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Published July 11, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Nogales, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Project Name: Multiuse Pathway Along Patagonia Highway (SR82) Project (TRACS) Number: T0357 03D District: South Central Route/MP: N/A Funding Source: CMAQ/Local Construction Funding FY: FY 2024 Project Description: The proposed multiuse pathway along the Patagonia Highway is to be a 10-foot-wide pathway for approximately 1.4 miles (7,400 LF). The pathway will start at Morley Avenue on the west and continue to Royal Road on the east. The project design is to determine which side of SR 82 is best for the pathway location. The typical pathway structural section is proposed to be 2 inches asphalt on 4 inches aggregate base course with thickened edges on each side. There is approximately 2,850 LF of existing sidewalk on each side of the route. In that area, the new pathway construction would widen the sidewalk to 10 feet using PC Concrete Pavement. This project will construct a 10-foot multiuse pathway along the Patagonia Highway for approximately 1.4 miles (7,400 LF). The consultant shall prepare preliminary and final construction documents, supporting documents, and all clearances necessary to bid and award the project for construction. The services shall include but are not limited to: Project Management, Agency Coordination, Site Visits, Survey/Control/Base Map Preparation, Geotechnical/Materials Report, Utility Data Acquisition and Coordination, Environmental Analysis, Cost Estimation, Scheduling, Construction Phasing, and Traffic Control. Information provided in the Project Establishment Letter will be used as the basis for the final scope of work. There will be no Pre-Submittal Meeting associated with this solicitation. As the project progresses, it is anticipated that an additional scope task that may be requested on this project will be Monument Existing Right of Way Questions, in writing, shall be received by ECS at the below email address until 3 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE SOI DUE DATE at 2:00 P.M. (Arizona Time). No further questions shall be accepted after the time specified. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. AZ DOT - RFQ - Project Development On-Call - Multiuse Pathway Along Patagonia Highway (SR82) - 5901786


Roads / Highways

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 13, 2023


E Patagonia Hwy, Nogales, AZ

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