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Published August 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newnan, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Coweta County is located in the west central portion of the State of Georgia. In 2020, census estimates show Coweta with a population of 146,158. Coweta County has 9 municipalities with the City of Newnan as its county seat. Coweta County encompasses an area of 443 square miles. Coweta County Emergency Management is the lead coordinating entity for large scale man-made and natural disasters as established in the Georgia Emergency Management Act of 1981. Coweta County Emergency Management Agency serves as the liaison between local, state and federal agencies during disasters. A Hazard Mitigation Plan forms the foundation for a community's long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and break the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction and repeated damage. The planning process is as important as the plan itself. It creates a framework for risk-based decision making to reduce damages to lives, property, and the economy from future disasters. Coweta County Emergency Management Agency is requesting proposals from Hazard Mitigation and Planning firms to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan for Coweta County. The purpose of the project is to review, modify and update the existing Hazard Mitigation Plan for Coweta County in order to create a new Hazard Mitigation Plan for Coweta County. The process will include the following: Review the existing Hazard Mitigation Plan Research Coweta County's history, demographics, past events and past hazards Facilitate required Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee meetings for the development of the new plan Assume responsibility for all meeting documentation, including, but not limited to, meeting content, documentation of meeting discussions and decisions (critical facilities, hazard identification, identified mitigation projects, etc.) Provide documentation for all in-kind services and regularly report to Coweta County on status of in-kind match Develop a new Coweta County Hazard Mitigation Plan with meeting-derived and committee-provided information Prepare and submit required documentation (quarterly reports and others) Prepare and submit payment request forms for signature of Coweta County authorized signer for submittal of GEMA grant reimbursement Submit copies of all reports to the Hazard Mitigation Plan Project Manager Provide representation at any and all public hearings Invoice Coweta County after each completed stage, in accordance with the payment plan outlined below Provide two (2) printed and two (2) digital copies of the new Hazard Mitigation Plan to be submitted to GEMA and FEMA for review and approval Provide a minimum of nine (9) printed, color copies and ten (10) digital copies of the final GEMA/FEMA Hazard Mitigation Plan to Coweta County Complete work to be submitted to GEMA and FEMA by the agreed upon deadline The new Hazard Mitigation Plan will fulfill requirements set forth by the Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and comply with the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000. The approved plan, by both GEMA and FEMA, will be a document used by Coweta County, Georgia, for mitigation purposes. Request for Information (RFI) Deadline 8/8/2022 5:00 PM EST Request for Information (RFI) Issuance 8/12/2022 5:00 PM EST The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.



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