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Published October 6, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Kewa, New Mexico. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Pueblo of Tesuque Utility Authority is seeking Requests for Proposals for a SCADA system that is scalable and programmable for our water utilities. Pueblo of Tesuque is a rural entity that requires a SCADA system that is scalable and programmable with components being either UL listed or FCC compliant. Final build will require as-builts. There is limited space for MTU and RTU's at the chosen locations. The communication is needed for its 7 Remote Terminal Units (RTU) that gather the available data set and for integration with existing controls. The RTU must have a user interface to allow the operator to diagnose the issue/alarm as provided by the existing assets. The RTU shall be installed as a separate, single disconnect type, control panel with a NEMA 12R rating. The MTU must be scalable to meet Pueblo of Tesuque Utility needs between the office, pumphouses, and storage tanks. The SOW must include: 1. Notifications: Controllable and Scalable input at the MTU, as necessary. 2. Controllers must have built-in or plug-in serial ports 3. Alarms: Notify appropriate personnel of error type and location 4. Level of detail of alarm based upon existing control system. If a PLC is required at a RTU location in order to communicate with MTU, bidder must communicate this need. If RTU is necessary it must meet the requirements in this request. 5. MTU must be capable of mobile setup. 6. The following items are required monitoring: Power, including AC Fail and DC Fail alarms Pump Status Running condition Motor saver tripped Overload relay tripped Flow- Current Flow in GPM and Total in Gallons Water Well Characteristics (Level) Tank Volume and Water Level On/Off of all Components at RTU site. Alarm Daily/Monthly Reports and Trends The PLC shall be capable of communicating using the Modbus protocol. The PLC shall be an Allen-Bradley 1769-L30ER with a 1764-LRP processor, or equal. The PLC shall have one 1769- IF4 input module and one 1769-IA16 AC digital input module.




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To Be Determined, Kewa, NM

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