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Published November 9, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a library in Salisbury, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for site work for a library.

As of October 20, 2022, Owner only received one bid. Owner rejected the bid due to the cost and will separate and do smaller jobs. No need to re-bid as the dollar amounts will fall under the service policies and will just be reaching out for multiple quotes. ITB 2023-003 Rowan County is requesting bids to provide the necessary materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to install four (4) individual flagpoles, one at each Library branch. The project shall include all demo, site prep, concrete base and any other identified components required to provide a complete and finished project. Specific bidding instructions and clarification will be provided at the pre-bid meeting. All bids submitted must meet or exceed the time frame and the product/service specifications as outlined in this Invitation to Bid (ITP). Submission of any bid signifies the Bidder's agreement that their bid and the content thereof, are valid for ninety (90) calendar days following the submission deadline and will become part of the contract that is negotiated between Rowan County and the successful Bidder. All prices submitted with the bid shall remain in effect for the ninety (90) day period. Insurance requirements are listed in the document and will be required only from the awarded vendor before entering into contract with Rowan County. Once the ITB is public all questions related to the ITB shall be directed to the Purchasing Department. Any contact related to the ITB with County Staff and/or Board of Commissioners will be prohibited and cause for rejection. Rowan County reserves the right to award and/or reject any and/or all bids and waive any technicalities or irregularities. For complete details, consult the bid package. SCOPE OF WORK Rowan County is seeking the installation of four (4) flagpoles, one 40' at the main library branch and a 35' at each minor library branch location, all locations are listed below. Please see the attached diagram for each location which will proved a general "Dig" location. o Main Branch- 201 W. Fisher St. Salisbury, NC 28144 o East Branch- 110 Broad St. Rockwell, NC 28138 o West Branch- 201 School St. Cleveland, NC 27013 o South Branch- 920 Kimball Rd. China Grove, NC 28023 Rowan County requests bids to provide the necessary materials, labor, equipment, and supervision to provide demo, site prep, foundation, electrical, lighting and any other identified components required to provide a complete and finished project. Specific bidding instructions and clarification will be provided at the pre-bid meeting.

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Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Salisbury, NC

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