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Renovation of a recreation facility in N Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a recreation facility.

Scope of Services The final scope of services to be included in the contract will be subject to negotiation with the Town. The following tasks are such items as are expected to be included in the scope of services for each phase: A. Assist the Town with acquiring the services of an architectural consultant/Architect for the project. B. Review and critique the Architect's plans, and project cost estimates; review any resulting bid documents, for cost, constructability issues, missing items, coordination, and compliance with the requirements of M.G.L. 149, SS 44A-44L and all other applicable laws and regulations. C. Coordinate with the Planning Board if needed, and other local or state permitting boards, to ensure efficient and timely site plan and other permitting reviews for the project. D. Assist with value engineering of the project's construction components as needed E. Assist the Town and the architect with evaluating all options for energy efficiencies (solar energy panels, heat pumps, etc.). F. Ensure any bid documents created by the Architect are complete and meet all legal obligations under procurement law. G. In consultation with the Architect, oversee the construction bidding process to ensure compliance with public bidding requirements. H. Attend meetings with the Town, building committee and any other required meetingsnduring all phases of Design and Construction. Number of meetings TBD. I. Assist the Town and Architect with the bid opening and construction contract award phase. J. Monitor progress and quality of construction. K. Oversee Architect's performance on construction related issues. L. Facilitate weekly job-site meetings with the Architect and General Contractor during the construction phase of the project as the Awarding Authority's representative. Maintain official records of said meetings. M. Coordinate the flow of information among Town Officials, the Architect, General Contractor and other parties. N. Advise the Architect and the Contractor regarding any issues that may arise requiring resolution by either party. O. Review and track General Contractor change order requests and provide the Town with a recommendation regarding those requests. P. Review the progress of construction, compare progress to construction schedules, and advise the Contractor, Architect, and the Town regarding any concerns with the progress of construction. Q. Prepare a full monthly written report summarizing the progress of design and construction of the project, highlighting important events and raising pending issues that must be addressed. If necessary, work with the Town's attorney to discuss any legal issues regarding the project. R. Monitor the services of a Clerk-of-the-Works, as needed, to ensure quality control and specification compliance. S. Review General Contractor's weekly payrolls and certify compliance with prevailing wage requirements for all individuals employed on the project, as required by State law. T. Attend other meetings, as necessary. U. Maintain a complete project file, including but not limited to, a file of correspondence, monthly reports, daily reports, payment records, work progress photographs, videos, construction schedules, and files on particular issues as they arise. Deliver project file to the Town in electronic form on a quarterly basis and at project close. Inspect and observe the General Contractor's work with respect to quality, contract standards, labor standards, safety, and site security and provide final accounting to the Town at the completion of the project. V. Obtain satisfactory performance from each Contractor and each Subcontractor. Recommend courses of action to the Town when the requirements of the construction contract are not being fulfilled and the non-performing party will not take satisfactory corrective action. W. Advise the Town of necessary or desirable changes to the project, assist in negotiation of the Contractor's proposals for these changes, submit recommendations to the Architect, and the Town, and if accepted, prepare or cause the Contractor to prepare change orders for the Architect's review and the Town Administrator's approval. Establish and implement an electronic system for monitoring and reporting on change orders, including approved change orders, pending change orders, and anticipated change orders. X. Develop and implement procedures for prompt review and processing of applications for payment from the Contractor for progress and final payments, including certification requirements by the Architect. Make recommendations to the Town Administrator for payment(s). Y. At the conclusion of the project, assist in obtaining the as-built drawings and all other construction related documents and all materials necessary for occupancy and full operation of the facility. Collect all O&M manuals and instructions, warrantees, record drawings and as-builts; ensure that Contractor(s) perform equipment testing and train Town employees on equipment usage and maintenance. Z. Ensure punch list close-out of all construction contract work and site clean-up by contractors. AA. At the conclusion of the project, prepare a standard contractor evaluation form for the Division of Capital Asset Management concerning the Architect, General Contractor and Subcontractors' performance as required. Questions, Addendum or Proposal Modification Questions concerning this Request for Qualifications must be submitted in writing to: Shawn MacInnes, Town Administrator, Town of Dartmouth, 400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747;,us. Only those inquiries received five or more days prior to the submission deadline will be considered. Questions may be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed. Written responses will be mailed or emailed to all proposers on record as having received the RFQQuestions, Addendum or Proposal Modification Questions concerning this Request for Qualifications must be submitted in writing to: Shawn MacInnes, Town Administrator, Town of Dartmouth, 400 Slocum Road, Dartmouth, MA 02747;,us. Only those inquiries received five or more days prior to the submission deadline will be considered. Questions may be hand delivered, mailed, or emailed. Written responses will be mailed or emailed to all proposers on record as having received the RFQ


Amusement and Recreation


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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To Be Determined, N Dartmouth, MA

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