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Published January 12, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Manhattan Beach, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Response Format Electronic Project Type RFP (Request for Proposal) Response Types Cost File Response File Subcontractor Sample Projects (required) Appendix B - Non-Collusion Affidavit (required) Appendix C - Consultants Acknowledgement of Compliance with Insurance Requirements for Agreement (required) Appendix D - Certificate of Proposal (required) Type of Award Lump Sum License Requirements Professional Engineer (As needed for structural inspection) Bid Valid 120 Days Liquidated Damages N/A Start/Delivery Date June 2023 Project Duration 6 months - 1 year, depending on each project start date Online Q&A Yes Q&A Deadline 01/24/2023 11:00 AM (PST) The City seeks an experienced consultant to assist the City with the inspection and special inspections for four upcoming capital improvement projects: Ceramic Studios Kiln Installation (Project No. D-937), Aviation Blvd Sidewalk Gap (Project No. P-922), Rowell Ave Sidewalk Gap (Project No. P-924), and Pier Railing Replacement (Project No. D-929). The City is the administering agency for the construction of this project. Consultant to work closely with Public Works staff to ensure that the Project(s) are executed in a timely manner. Specifically, the City is soliciting proposals for inspection services for structural steel framing and decking, structural concrete including footings, stairs, reinforcement, and concrete forms, miscellaneous metals, railings and chainlink fencing, electrical, gas-connections, and source material inspections. In addition inspection of more typical right-of-way construction including, but not limited to, sidewalk, utility relocation/connection, driveways, non-signaled pedestrian crossing, curb and gutter, retaining wall, variable height curbs, landscape, irrigation, and signs. The projects are all in highly visible areas that range from street pedestrian improvement (sidewalk) projects to pier railing replacements. Responses to this RFP shall contain inspection fees itemized per Project with a Grand Total not-to-exceed Fee. Time of Completion: Pier Railing Replacement (Project No. D-929) - July 2023 - anticipated 80 working days. Ceramic Studios Kiln Installation (Project No. D-937) - September 2023 - anticipated 40 working days. Aviation Blvd Sidewalk Gap (Project No. P-922) - November 2023 - anticipated 80 working days. Rowell Ave Sidewalk Gap (Project No. P-924) - June 2023 - anticipated 44 working days. Special Instructions: All onsite work shall be performed during the 2023 Manhattan Beach Unified School District Summer School Break, starting no sooner than June 19, 2023 and ending no later than August 18, 2023, unless otherwise approved by the City which is no more than 44 workings days onsite. Pertinent Project Information: Proposal Task 1 General Admin/Mtgs; Task 2 Construction Observation/Inspection Services (includes structural observations for steel and concrete structures licensed Professional Engineer), Task 3 Soils/Materials Testing Services, Task 4 Extra Services 10% of Task 1-3. Notes The bidder is solely responsible for on time submission of their electronic bid. The City will only consider bids that have been transmitted successfully and have been issued an ebid confirmation number with a time stamp from the Bid Management System indicating that the bid was submitted successfully. Transmission of bids by any other means will not be accepted. Bidder shall be solely responsible for informing itself with respect to the proper utilization of the bid management system, for ensuring the capability of their computer system to upload the required documents, and for the stability of their internet service. Failure of the bidder to successfully submit an electronic bid shall be at the bidder's sole risk and no relief will be given for late and/or improperly submitted bids. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 1, 2023


Multiple Locations, Manhattan Beach, CA

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