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Published April 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a municipal facility in West Springfield, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the construction of a 18,600-square-foot municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

New Toilet Rooms at the Irish Cultural Center of Western New England - Sub The Project consists of General Construcon Renovaons and Repairs, along with all associated finishes required to complete the Project and as follows: Demolion & construcon related to the installaon of new toilet rooms at the Irish Cultural Center located at 429 Morgan Road West Springfield, MA. Work included 1. The work of this contract includes all labor, material and equipment necessary to perform the work as indicated on the contract documents and as specified herein. 2. Examinaon of the site and Contract documents: a) Each General Bidder and each Sub-Bidder is encouraged to visit the site of the proposed work and shall fully acquaint himself with the condions as they exist so that he may fully understand and evaluate the facilies, difficules and restricons aending the execuon of the work under this Contract. b) All work of this contract shall be coordinated through the architect c) The designers on the project include: (1) Caolo & Bieniek Associates, Inc. (413) 594-2800 d) A representave of the designer will be present at the pre-bid conference on January 25, 2023 at 10:00 AM . This will be the only me available for viewing the site. e) Quesons must be received by the close of business (5 p.m.) at least six (6) calendar days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. f) Bidders shall thoroughly examine and be familiar with the Drawings and Specificaons. Each General Bidder shall include in their bid any work required in connecon with the same that has to be done by trades under his direct control. g) Plans, surveys, measurements, calculaons, esmates, and statements as to the condions under which the work is to be performed are believed to be correct. Each bidder must sasfy himself by his own invesgaon and research to condions affecng the work to be done and labor and material needed and make his bid in reliance thereon. h) Before ordering any material or doing any work, all measurements shall be verified by the General Contractor at the site. No extra charge or compensaon will be allowed on account of the difference between actual dimensions and the measurements indicated on the Drawings. Any difference which may be found shall be submied to the Designer for consideraon before proceeding with the work. i) The failure or omission of any bidder to receive or examine any form, instrument or document, or to visit the site and acquaint himself with the condions there exisng, shall in no way relieve any bidder from any obligaon with respect to his bid. Que concerning this for Bid must be submitted in wring by the close of business (5 PM) at least six (6) calendar days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids, to the Architect, Caolo & Bieniek Associates: Rudi Hall at RHall@cbaarchitects.net . Written responses will be emailed to all proposers on record as having picked up the IFB Bid Result. Tiling:Ayotte & King for Tile, Inc. $29,250.00 Plumbing:Adams Heating & Plumbing $59,900.00




Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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February 9, 2023

March 13, 2023


429 Morgan Rd, West Springfield, MA

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