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Renovation of an educational facility in Valparaiso, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

For Window Replacement and Repairs - Ivy Tech Valparaiso Ivy Tech Community College Valparaiso campus building is in need of qualified contractor for window replacement project. Approximately 40% of roughly 250 total insulated glass windows are affected at varying degrees of window failure. It's estimated to replace 100 window glass lite (existing frame to remain) and resealing 150 window units. Bidder questions are due by 5 P.M., CST on February 9, 2023 emailed to GMB Architecture and Engineering and Anticipated Start of Construction: weather permitting late spring/summer 2023 - Installation will need to be carefully coordinated with campus for class scheduling with two week look ahead sequencing with potentially no work times during finals/commencement Anticipated Substantial Completion: three months after start of construction Ivy Tech Community College of Indiana, Valparaiso Indiana, will receive bids from contractors for WINDOW REPLACEMENT project located at 3100 Ivy Tech Dr Valparaiso, Indiana 46383. The Owner intends to enter into one contract with the Contractor that submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid and who will be fully responsible for coordination of all required work. Evaluation of the proposals and award will be at a later date and subject to securing funding. All bidders are required to furnish Bid Security in the amount of ten (10%) of the base bid. All prices shall be free of all Federal Excise Taxes and State Sales Tax. The bid proposals, Form 96, and other required documents related to the bid must be completed, signed and notarized where indicated. The successful bidder shall be required to comply with the requirement of State Board of Trustees Resolution No. 2017-4 as it relates to use of apprentices. The owner reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bid. Bids to shall remain firm for sixty (60) days from date of Bid Opening. All inquires shall be directed to GMB Architecture and Engineer, and Bid Bond: 10% Performance Bond: 100% Payment Bond: 100%




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February 16, 2023

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3100 Ivy Tech Dr, Valparaiso, IN

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