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Renovation of a municipal facility in Newark, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The DPMC is seeking to engage the services of an architectural firm and consulting team with the objective to construct a new Newark Agency Services Building, Road Test Field House and Motorcycle Test Course at the Newark Motor Vehicle Commission facility. Improvements shall include demolishing, in phases, the existing Inspection Station, Agency Service Building and Road Test Course. Site Improvements include security, vehicular circulation patters, parking, pedestrian walkways, lighting and drainage. The new Agency Services Building and Road Test Field House shall be site adaptations of the existing Wayne Agency Services Building and Road Test Field House. The consultant shall be a firm prequalified with the DPMC in: Architecture (P001) with a dollar rating of $15 million or greater. The firm shall also have in-house capabilities or identify sub-consultants prequalified in the following disciplines: 1. Electrical Engineering (P002), 2. HVAC Engineering (P003), 3. P004 Plumbing Engineering (P004), 4. Civil Engineering (P005), 5. Structural Engineering (P007), 6. Estimating/Cost Analysis (P025), 7. Asbestos Design (P0037), 8. Asbestos Safety Control Monitoring (P038) and 9. Lead Paint Evaluation (P065) The firm should also identify all other architectural, engineering and specialty disciplines necessary to complete the project as described in the scope of work. Only firms currently prequalified with DPMC in Architecture P001 with a rating of $15 million or greater may submit. All joint venture firms must be separately prequalified in architecture with at least one firm having a dollar rating of $15 million or greater. Please note there is a maximum 40-page limit for preliminary technical proposals (form 48B) submitted for this project. Any information beyond the 40-page limit will not be considered. The consultant selection committee for this project will evaluate the preliminary technical proposals based upon: 1. Demonstration of the firm / project team's organization and 2. The firm / project team's experience on projects of a similar size and nature. The consultant's project approach and implementation plan, schedule, and cost estimating/budget control will be reviewed as part of the full technical proposals which will be submitted at a later date. Small Business Enterprise Set Aside Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:14-1.1 et. seq., this project has been designated as a Small Business Set-Aside Opportunity. Note: This contract includes a goal of awarding 25 percent of the total contract value to either a prime or subcontract level. The consultant selected for award must produce copies of notice(s) from the Division of Minority & Women Business Development designating the prime or subcontracting firm(s) as an approved Small Business Enterprise and document their team's SBE participation prior to the award of a contract. Interested firms that meet the qualifications set forth above may obtain an RFP package by contacting William Mahan of DPMC at (609) 292-4234 or by e-mail to All competing firms are required to comply with the requirements of PL 1975, c. 127 (N.J.A.C. 17:27), regarding nondiscrimination requirements in the performance of state contracts and PL. 2005, c. 51 certification and disclosure of political contributions. All Questions Concerning the Small Business Set-aside Program Should Be Addressed to: Division of Revenue and Enterprises Services Small Business Enterprise Department of the Treasury 33 West State Street, 5th Floor P.o. Box 026 Trenton, Nj 08625-0026 Phone: 609-292-2146




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To Be Determined, Newark, NJ

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