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Published June 6, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a fire / police facility in Stockton, Utah. Working plans call for the construction of a fire / police facility; and for site work for a fire / police facility.

Tooele County is soliciting for a design/build from licensed and insured vendor for a South Rim Fire Station building located at: 2555 W Silver Ave, Stockton, UT 84071. budget of $1.35 Million Proposal shall be submitted in a sealed envelope. The outside lower right-hand corner of the envelope shall be marked: Sealed Proposal of (Firm Name) South Rim Fire Station Tooele County Administration Building Questions must be submitted via email to Aspen Wimmer at aspen.wimmer@tooeleco.org or through the Utah State Purchasing U3P Website, and are due no later than Friday, May 12, 2023 by 5PM. The design/build must produce an operational fire station from an insulated steel building, or concrete block construction, built to Group S (Storage) standards. Building must be operationalm by December 31, 2023 and remain withing the budget of $1.35 Million while meeting the following specifications at a minimum: Overall Layout (please itemize the costs associated with each of these features): o 100 Feet Long by 50 Feet Wide (100'X50') minimum o 45,000 square foot asphalt drive way / parking lot (include an option for an additional 45,000 square feet of paving in back lot) o Concrete apron graded for drainage o Connect to local water and power (L&B Development & Rocky Mountain Power) o Building shall be fully fire sprinklered o Propane Tank install & setup o Septic Tank install & setup o Security cameras to monitor the exterior of the station, including the apron, all entrance doors, and the employee parking area o Security fence around the perimeter of the property, approximately 2,000 feet of fencing with 2 electric automatic gates and battery backup o Location for flagpole o Location for 60' tall communications tower (6'X6' area within 25' of mechanical room) o Add 1 fire hydrant, centered between the 2 existing hydrants on Silver Ave o 2.5" Metered water connection in back lot Garage: o 3 Bays (2 pull through) o 5 automatic overhead insulated garage doors, 14' minimum clearance o 2 interior hose bibs (one for hot water) o Gear decontamination area o Adequate space and hookups for commercial gear washer/extractor and dryer for cleaning PPE o Gear/locker room set as transition zone from Garage to Office o Storage racks o Bay circulation fans o LPG fired garage heaters o Polished non-slip concrete flooring with floor drains o Vehicle exhaust systems for the removal of exhaust produced by running vehicles indoors o Ceiling mounted cord reels for both power and compressed air o Incandescent or LED lights (no fluorescent or UV producing lights) o Space for tool boxes and workbenches o Exterior man door Office: o HVAC o Restroom / Kitchen / Janitors Closet / Utilities Room / Office space (room for 3 cubicles) o Interior Lighting o Exterior man door o Hard surface non-slip flooring (no carpet) o Minimum of 3 windows Question Deadline 04/28/2023 at 5:00 PM MT Questions must be submitted via email to Aspen Wimmer at aspen.wimmer@tooeleco.org or through the Utah State Purchasing Electronically.

Final Planning

Fire / Police


Public - County

New Construction, Site Work




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May 19, 2023

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2555 W Silver Ave, Stockton, UT

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