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Renovation of a civil project in West Fargo, North Dakota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The Project consists of constructing eight (8) hydrogeologic test borings, two (2) 2-inch groundwater monitoring wells, five (5) 12-inch potable water production wells, and aquifer monitoring and testing. Work is in Cass County, North Dakota. Bids will be received for a single Contract. Bids will be on a unit price and lump sum basis. This Project will be 100 percent funded by a combination of North Dakota State Water Commission funds, City of Fargo sales tax revenues, and Cass County sales tax revenues Each Bid shall be accompanied by a separate envelope containing a Bidder's bond in a sum equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of the Bid, executed by the Bidder as principal and by a surety company authorized to do business in this state, conditioned that if the principal's Bid be accepted and the contract awarded to them, within ten (10) days after notice of award Bidder will execute and effect a contract in accordance with the terms of the Bid and a contractor's bond as required by law and the regulations and determinations of the governing board. Each bid shall include an acknowledgement of receipt of Addenda. Such acknowledgement shall be on the form provided in the Instructions to Bidders and shall be included in the separate envelope with the Bid Bond and North Dakota Contractor's License or acknowledge receipt of Addenda on the outside of the Bid envelope. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive informalities therein. August 10, 2023. At 1:00 pm the Bids received will be publicly opened and read via live video conference which can be accessed at this link: https:/ / v3/ __https:/ / l/ meetupjoin/ 19* 3ameeting_ZTcxYTdmM 2UtYWU4OC00NTAwLTk1NzMtNjgzY2IxM DQyZDY5* 40thread.v2/0context=* 7b* 22Tid* 22* 3a* 2284331ac0-3b14-458a-bc9df0208a38a747* 22* 2c* 22Oid* 22* 3a* 22270766cd-88c2-4f3c-8f06-019f32391313* 22* 7d__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!B5cixuoO7ltTeg!D68E9isYxISTkzN9DEs5Q2I7XYD38_2mlN6uktTKZfiM TewPk8NTor42cr-EYuoe-7vHoNbbpCyfCziCM aw$ Or via telephone at: +1 323-457-5870, 580368082# United States, Los Angeles (Toll) Conference ID: 580 368 082#


Water / Sewer


Public - City






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August 10, 2023

September 22, 2023


Multiple Locations, West Fargo, ND

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