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Published September 1, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000255311 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/09/21 02:00:00 PM CDT The Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba (WCB) invites firms to submit a Proposal for the following: Construction project management services for the renovation of interior space at the WCB office facilities at 333 and 363 Broadway and potential future WCB construction projects, as approved by the WCB. Description of Services The WCB requires the Contractor to provide full-time equivalent resource(s) (collectively the "Construction Project Manager") who will be responsible for leading the interior space renovation project (and potentially other WCB approved construction projects) to completion, inclusive of staff moves and office furnishings relocation (space management). For the current interior renovation project, the Construction Project Manager will be responsible for project management and oversight of the interior space renovation project from current state to conclusion, including but not limited to, the following: a) Manage external vendor relations for the WCB (Owner) with ft3 (Consultant) and Graham Construction and Engineering LP (Contractor); b) Collaborate with Consultant and Contractor in the development, implementation, and evaluation of construction and space management for the Owner; c) Prepare and/or maintain project management plan, budget plan, risk mitigation, and escalation plans pertaining to the project; d) Maintain budget, cost estimating (working with the Consultant and Contractor), recording, and reporting on total project, sub-project, and proposed change orders; e) Review and process external vendor and other project related invoices; f) Ensure deliverables by the Consultant, Contractor, and Owner are within scope of the project, meet specifications, quality standards, and implemented within agreed timeframes and approved budget; g) Complete all permit processes to ensure construction projects have the necessary permits for completion; h) Engage in technical review of design documents and plans; i) Identify and mitigate areas of risk or concern in terms of quality, timeliness, and cost of work; j) Report ongoing project status and progress and maintaining a daily log; k) Provide site management of Subcontractors on construction projects; l) Provide input with review and approval process of change orders prepared by the Consultant; m) Attend Contractor status and progress meetings (on and offsite); n) Manage and document internal meetings; o) Collaborate with WCB service departments to determine and provide; communication, HR (staff movements, etc.), safety, and legal support; p) Plan and work with WCBs Facilities, IT, and HR to address requirements, scheduling, and completion of staff moves; q) Escalation point for external vendors regarding issues and risks; r) Document management and control including all construction and construction administration documents, correspondence, and as-built, regardless of format (paper or electronic); s) Provide expert witness services as required; and t) Assist with project close out services. The Contractor agrees that when providing the Services or otherwise acting on the WCBs behalf, the Contractor shall ensure project compliance with all obligations under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and regulations regarding accessible customer service and accessible communication that are applicable to government agencies. The Services shall normally be performed during Business Hours. However, the WCB may request some of the Services to be performed outside Business Hours, as deemed necessary, in the unfettered discretion of the WCB. The Contractor shall not be entitled to charge overtime rates unless specified in the Fee Schedule. The WCB requires the Contractor to supply the Construction Project Manager on a full-time basis [thirty-six and a quarter (36.25) hours per week] for the interior renovation project Stage 2. The Vendor must have experience and knowledge with the following: a) Construction project management and administration experience; b) Experience working with commercial office space renovations; c) Experience with vendor management; d) Proficiency in the use of personal computers and software in a Microsoft Windows environment; and e) Knowledge and experience in complying with The Workplace Safety and Health Act and The Accessibility for Manitobans Act. The Vendor should have experience and knowledge with the following (which may be considered an asset when evaluating): a) Knowledge of The Heritage Resources Act; b) Knowledge and experience with CCDC (Canadian Construction Documents Committee) documents; and c) Certifications in Construction Management, Project Management Professional (PMP®), or related discipline. The Proposal should include an overview of the proposed resource(s) being offered, including profiles of work which highlight their experience performing similar projects. Even if the Contractor is not required under The Workers Compensation Act to have and maintain workers compensation coverage in Manitoba, the WCB shall require the Contractor to purchase and maintain workers compensation coverage for its workers who will be providing the Services in Manitoba. The Services shall be provided onsite at the WCB's facilities and from the Contractor's facilities located in Canada, as applicable, unless otherwise agreed in writing. It is expected the Services will be required for a period of five (5) years with a preferred start date of October 10, 2023. The Services will be structured with an Agreement that will require the parties to enter into subsequent Statements of Work (collectively the "SOWs"). The full scope of work for the Services past the initial interior renovation project cannot be determined by the parties at the time the Agreement will be executed because it is anticipated the WCB's needs and priorities for future construction projects will evolve as further information is collected and will be subject to internal approvals. The parties shall mutually agree upon the distinct scopes of work for the Services (other than the initial renovation project which will be covered in the Agreement) including the total fees, deliverables, and completion dates for same, in writing, via the SOWs, prior to commencing work on such future WCB construction projects. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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