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Site work for a water / sewer project in Auburn, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Auburn, Georgia is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified suppliers for RFP 23-005, Raw Water Storage Pond Piping. Attached hereto are the general conditions, technical specifications, and submittal format. The written requirements contained in this Invitation to Bid (ITB) shall not be changed or superseded except by written addendum from The City of Auburn Purchasing Department. Failure to comply with the written requirements for this (ITB) may result in disqualification of the submittal by The City of Auburn. Award will be made to the supplier(s) submitting the lowest responsive and responsible bid. The City of Auburn, Georgia reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive technicalities and to make an award deemed in its best interest. Bids may be split or awarded in entirety. The City of Auburn, Georgia reserves the option to negotiate terms, conditions, and pricing with the lowest responsive, responsible bidder(s) at its discretion. THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUBMITTING A RESPONSE TO THIS ITB ON OR BEFORE THE STATED DATE AND TIME WILL BE SOLELY AND STRICTLY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OFFEROR. We look forward to your bid and appreciate your interest in the City of Auburn, Georgia. Deadline for questions October 10, 2023 @ 5pm (7 DAY BEFORE DUE) Hand delivered copies may be delivered to the above address ONLY between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the City of Auburn. Vendors are responsible for informing any commercial delivery service, if used, of all delivery requirements and for ensuring that the required address information appears on the outer wrapper or envelope used by such service. The Submittal must be signed by a company officer who is legally authorized to enter a contractual relationship in the name of the vendor. Vendors are encouraged to contact Jim Aton at 404-234-7412 or be submitted prior to one business day(s) before the submittal due date and shall be directed to the contact person in writing via facsimile or email. Any unauthorized contact shall not be used as a basis for responding to this ITB and also may result in the disqualification of the vendor's submittal. Vendors may not contact any elected official or other City Employee to discuss the proposal process or proposal opportunities, contact of this nature will result in immediate disqualification of the vendor. 1.5 LATE SUBMITTAL, LATE MODIFICATIONS AND LATE WITHDRAWALS Submittals received after the due date and time will not be considered. Modifications received after the due date will not be considered. The City of Auburn assumes no responsibility for the premature opening of a proposal not properly addressed and identified, and/or delivered to the proper designation. 1.6 REJECTION OF BID The City of Auburn may reject all submittals and reserves the right to waive any irregularities or informalities in any submittal or in the submittal procedure. Submittals received after the said time or at any place other than as stated in the notice will not be considered. 1.7 MIMINUM ITB ACCEPTANCE PERIOD Valid submittals shall not be withdrawn for a period of 30 days from the date specified for receipt of submittals. The Engineer's opinion as to estimated project cost is $7 to $9 million

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

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