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Published November 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Silver Spring, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Contractor shall provide Preventative Maintenance Services (Including Inspection, Lubrication, Testing, Adjusting, Cleaning, Repairing and Replacing of Items) and Emergency Repair Services for two Hydraulic Elevators located in Montgomery County at the Fairland Shop Maintenance Facility at the Maryland State Highway Administration. Prices submitted in response to this solicitation are irrevocable for ninety (90) days following the due date. The Procurement Officer may, however, request vendors to extend the time during which the State may accept their bids. Once a bid is accepted, all prices, terms, and conditions shall remain unchanged throughout the contract period. QUESTIONS DUE DATE: November 14th, 2023 @ 2:00 P.M Vendors are responsible for assuring that their bids are delivered to the specified location before the deadline for receipt of bids, including those delivered by U.S. Postal Service. The location of work is the Maryland State Highway Administration,Fairland Shop 12020 Plum Orchard Drive Silver Spring MD 20904 For information or clarification regarding the Elevator Maintenance Requirements (Attachment IV), please contact Mr. Sidney Proctor at 301-572-5166. Any questions on the bidding procedure shall be directed to the Procurement Officer. The Contract Manager for this contract will be Mr. Sidney Proctor, who can be reached by phone at 301-572-5166 or by email at sproctor@MDOT.Maryland.gov The Contract Manager may appoint other authorized representatives to serve in an identical capacity for the duration of the Contract. Written requests for information or questions shall be addressed to: Sidney Proctor State Highway Administration Fairland Shop Maintenance Facility 12020 Plum Orchard Drive Silver Spring MD, 20904 All findings and documentation shall be delivered to SHA by email to Mr. Bruce Hopper (bhopper@mdot.maryland.gov) and with a hard copy mailed to each at the completion of each service. Contractors are responsible for assuring that their bids are delivered to the specified location before the deadline for receipt of bids, including those delivered by U.S. Postal Service. Bids, requests for withdraws, and modifications not received by the time and at the place indicated are late and may only be considered in accordance with COMAR The Procurement Officer and sole point of contact for purposes of this IFB is Erin Conner. Ms. Conner may be contacted at 301-513-7316 or e-mail at econner@mdot.maryland.gov, between 7:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. NOTE: The vendor is solely responsible for ensuring any information sent to the Procurement Officer by FAX has been received by the Procurement Officer.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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12020 Plum Orchard Dr, Silver Spring, MD

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