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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wyoming, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Furnishing and Placement of Trees The City of Wyoming is accepting bids to furnish, deliver, and plant trees. Trees will be purchased on an as needed basis and planted at various locations throughout the City. It is estimated the City will purchase approximately 20-30 trees per year and the City reserves the right to change more/less than the estimated quantity. All bid pricing must include trees, materials, delivery, and labor with nothing additional remaining to be purchased. All bid pricing must remain firm for three years PRE-BID MEETING A pre-bid meeting will not be held. QUESTIONS, INTERPRETATIONS AND ADDENDA Questions about or requests for interpretation of this request for bids/proposals, any of the plans and specifications, or any bid/proposal requirements may be directed via e-mail to No questions or interpretations will be issued later than 4 days before the due date for bids. Questions will not be answered by phone or in other oral communication. City will endeavor, but is not required to, email a copy of any addenda, answers to questions or interpretations that may be of general interest to potential bidders/proponents who have provided a valid email address and requested notification of this specific bid/proposal via City's e-Bidder system. Bid Bond. A. A bid bond is not required for this project. B. If a bid bond is required, it must be in the amount of 5.0% of the bid amount and in the form of EJCDC bid bond form C-430 or another form acceptable to the City attorney. As an alternative to the bid bond, City will accept a cashier's check to the City in the amount of 5.0% of the bid amount or an irrevocable standby letter of credit in the amount of 5.0% of the bid amount that is in a form and substance acceptable to the City Attorney Payment Bond. A. Payment bonds are required for any contract exceeding $50,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair of any City building, public work or improvement. Payment bonds must be in the full amount of the contract price. Payment bonds must be in the form of EJCDC payment bond form C-615 or another form acceptable to the City attorney. Payment bonds must be provided before any notice to proceed is issued. B. If a multi-year contract, the bond amount shall be equal to the total bid for the first contract year and updated annually to reflect the bid price for each subsequent year. Performance Bond. A. Performance bonds are required for any contract exceeding $50,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair of any City building, public work or improvement. Performance bonds must be in the full amount of the contract price. Performance bonds must be in the form of EJCDC performance bond form C-610 or another form acceptable to the City attorney. Performance bonds must be provided before any notice to proceed is issued. B. If a multi-year contract, the bond amount shall be equal to the total bid for the first contract year and updated annually to reflect the bid price for each subsequent year. City reserves the rights to do any or all of the following: 1. Cancel any bid, order, and/or contract in whole or in part without penalty due to failure of a proponent/contractor to comply with the specifications. 2. Reject any or all bids. 3. Waive any irregularities, nonconformities, or technicalities of any bid. 4. Correct any bid during tabulation so a discrepancy in computing the amount of the bid is resolved by using quoted unit prices. 5. Review the experience, qualifications, and other information about any proponent and any identified subcontractor or consultant submitted as part of the bid/proposal. 6. Inquire of others about any bidder/proponent, identified subcontractor(s) or consultant(s), and their personnel. 7. Require background checks of the personnel of any proponent or identified subcontractor or consultant of any proponent to be undertaken at the expense of the proponent. 8. Negotiate with one or more selected proponent(s). 9. Award the bid and/or contract in a manner and to such proponent as deemed to be in City's best interests.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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