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Published May 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Questions will be received until Thursday, February 29, 2024 local time on 5:00 pm, after which no additional questions will be accepted. City Council 1st Reading: :March 25, 2024 Finance Committee: :April 1, 2024 City Council Final Approval :April 8, 2024 Contract Signature Processing: April 9, 2024 Notice to Proceed (Estimated):April 15, 2024 Final Completion :August 23, 2024 A bid guarantee in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total bid shall accompany any bid submitted. See Section below, titled: Instructions to Bidders. The successful bidder shall furnish and pay for satisfactory performance and payment bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the accepted bid. See Section below, titled: "Instructions to Bidders." The City of Cheyenne ("the City") reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any formalities in the bidding. Question Deadline 02/29/2024 at 5:00 PM MT Contact Information TJ Barttelbort Purchasing Manager 2101 O'Neil Ave, Room 309 Cheyenne, WY 82001 Email: tbarttelbort@cheyennecity.org Phone: (307) 773-1045 Prior to the award of the contract, the City may hold bids for a period not to exceed NO VALUE from the date of opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of the bidders. Provisions of Wyo. Stat. 15-1-113, incorporated by reference, are made an express part of the Contract Documents. These Contract Documents include a complete set of bidding and contract forms which are for the convenience of bidders. Bidders shall make proposals upon the forms furnished herein and pursuant to the instructions and requirements set forth herein. Contract Documents: All documents in the bidding packet, including addenda, as identified in Part V, Article 5. Contract Modification: A written document that must, at minimum, be executed by the Contractor and by the Mayor of the City of Cheyenne. A Contract Modification may require the approval of the City's Governing Body. A contract modification must be executed to change the Contract Price, Contract Time, or to otherwise modify the Contract Agreement. Contract Price: The original amount bid by the contractor, as specified in Article 4 of the Agreement and modified by any Contract Modifications. Contract Time: Begins upon the date specified in the Notice to Proceed and consists of the number of calendar days up to and including the date specified in Part V, Article 3. Field Order: A form issued by the City Engineer ("Engineer") to authorize the Contractor to proceed with changes or additions to the work as described in a Work Directive or a Request for Adjustment. A Field Order may either increase or decrease quantities or authorize work for payment under a Force Account, if included in the bid, but cannot increase the Contract Price. Force Account: A method of payment for work performed by the Contractor at the Engineer's discretion and calculated in accordance with Part VI, Section 14. Request for Adjustment: A form issued by the Engineer to allow the Contractor to request an adjustment of the Contract Time, the Contract Price, or to request any other modification of the Contract Agreement. The Contractor shall also use this form for submitting pricing as a result of a Work Directive. Work Directive: A form issued by the Engineer to inform the Contractor of a change in the Work which does not alter the Contract Time, the Contract Price, or any other provisions of the Contract Agreement. If a change in the Work will increase the Contract Price, the City must approve and execute a Contract Modification before the Contractor may proceed with the Work as modified. Each bidder shall visit the proposed work site and become acquainted with the existing conditions of the site. Then, in preparing and submitting bids, contractors should take into account the observed existing conditions, construction necessities, required labor, facilities involved, and difficulties and restrictions that may be encountered in contract performance. If possible, the City will conduct a tour of the work areas. All interested parties should contact TJ Barttelbort in the City's Purchasing Office, at (307) 773-1045. Each bidder should also thoroughly examine and become familiar with the Drawings, Technical Specifications, and all other Contract Documents. The selected bidder, by executing a contract, shall in no way be relieved of any obligation under it due to the selected bidder's failure to review or examine any form, legal instrument, or to become acquainted with existing conditions in the work area. The City will be justified in rejecting any claim based on facts which the selected bidder knew or should have been aware of as a result of inspecting the site and Contract Documents. The City may consider as irregular any bid on which there is an alteration of or departure from the bid form provided and, at its option, may reject the bid. Each bidder shall be fully authorized to submit a bid on behalf of the firm. If the bid is made by a sole proprietorship or partnership, the name and address of the sole proprietorship or partnership shall be shown, together with the names and addresses of the proprietor or partners. If the proposal is made by a corporation or other business entity, an official who is authorized to bind the corporation or other business entity shall sign in the name of such corporation or business entity. The City will consider as incomplete and may reject any bid not displaying the information required by this Section. City representatives and the successful bidder shall hold a pre-construction conference upon contract award. This conference will be for the purpose of reaching a complete understanding with the successful bidder concerning quality of work expected, work schedule and time of completion, work progress, and coordination of all construction.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work





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E Carlson St & Powderhouse Rd, Cheyenne, WY

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