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Published April 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in South Burlington, Vermont. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Document Notes : Contractors shall obtain a password to access this project from Blueprints. Any and all notifications, releases and addendums associated with this project will be posted at Online, There is a non-refundable fee for each set of documents purchased. Fee to Include one (1) Hard Copy & one (1) Digital CD-ROM Copy: $TBD 1. Please be advised that all notifications, releases, and addendums associated with this RFP will be posted on-line in the plan room where the original solicitation resides unless otherwise determined that a hard copy is necessary. The state will make no attempt to contact contractors with updated information. It is the responsibility of each contractor to periodically check the posting site for any and all notifications, releases and addendums associated with the RFP. 2. NOTE: On occasion hard copy addendums may be required due to size or type of media/requirements. If applicable and as determined by the Department of Buildings and General Services, addendums that require hard copy distribution, a copy of such addenda will be mailed or delivered for each set of plans and specifications issued to the bidders, prior to the bid date. However, it is the responsibility of the bidder to be sure they have received all addenda and must so state the number of addenda they have received on the proposal. 3. If Bidders choose to pull information from other third-party sites, Bidders do so at their own risk as there is one official source of information for documents as indicated above. Bidder's attention is directed to: 1. General Conditions for Construction Contracts. It is the Bidder's responsibility to thoroughly read and comply with all requirements. Please pay close attention due to the changes that have been made. 2. NOTICE TO BIDDERS - PROHIBITION OF RUSSIAN GOODS: The Contractor is hereby notified that, pursuant to Vermont Executive Order No. 02-22, dated March 3, 2022, the purchase of Russian-sourced goods and goods produced by Russian entities (defined as institutions or companies that are headquartered in Russia or have their principal place of business in Russia) is prohibited. The awarded Contractor must fill out and sign the Executive Order 02-22 Vendor Certification as part of the Contract awarding process. This certification is required for all subcontracts for work performed solely for the State of Vermont and subcontracts for work performed in the State of Vermont. 3. BIDDER QUALIFICATION PROCESS DOCUMENT: The Department of Buildings and General Services is requiring that all contractors meet certain minimum qualifications to be eligible to bid on this project. QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD: Any vendor requiring clarification of any section of this RFP or wishing to comment or take exception to any requirements of the RFP must submit specific questions in writing to BGS.OPCVendorDocs@vermont.gov no later than 4:30 PM on March 21, 2024. All questions should include DOC ADA Upgrades in the subject line. Any comments, questions, or exceptions not raised in writing on or before the last day of the question period are waived. At the close of the question period a copy of all questions or comments and the State's responses will be posted at Online


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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7 Farrell St, South Burlington, VT

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