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Published July 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

DEADLINE FOR QUESTIONS: April 5, 2024 Summary The Sewer Division within Pierce County, Planning and Public Works, is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Sewer Flow Metering Network. The Flow Service Provider (FSP) must furnish, install, operate, and maintain 18 sanitary sewer flow meters at locations across Pierce County selected by the Sewer Division with the ability to provide up to 3 additional flow meters if requested by the Sewer Division during the contract period. The meters must have an internal power source and be able to accurately measure gravity sanitary sewer flow in pipes with diameters ranging from 8" to 72". These monitors must communicate via a wireless network for the duration of the contract. The meters shall provide continuous sewer depth, velocity, and flow (minimum, maximum and average) with data uploaded daily on a website accessible to County personnel at all times. The applicant will be responsible for maintaining and repairing the flow meters on a regular basis to ensure uninterrupted service. 1.2. Background The Pierce County Department of Planning and Public Works provides a wide variety of public services: o Building Safety and Inspection. o Development Engineering. o Resource Management. o Long Range and Current Planning. o Road Design and Construction. o Road Maintenance and Operations. o Ferry and Airport Services. o Sewer Systems and Wastewater Treatment. o Solid Waste and Recycling Management. o Public Use Facilities. o Surface Water Management. Scope of Work MINIMUM services provided shall include the following: 1. Installation Furnish, install, operate, and maintain up to 21 sewer flow meters and install them in locations selected by Pierce County Sewer Division across the County. Coordinate removal of the existing flow meters. It is anticipated that the existing flow meters will be removed by the current contractor in early January. 18 flow meters shall be installed at the locations shown in Exhibit A Map and As-Built Drawings, unless otherwise instructed by the County. This includes providing all traffic control and confined space entry personnel and equipment, hand tools, personal protective equipment, safety gear, and manhole entry equipment necessary for installation. The Contractor shall have the ability to furnish, install, operate, and maintain up to 3 additional flow meters at 3 or more additional locations within the Pierce County Sewer Service Area, if requested, by the Sewer Division during the duration of the contract. Provide an installation schedule and installation details at each of the 18 flow meter locations. Installation is projected to begin on July 1, 2024, and must be complete by July 31, 2024, with all flow meters operational. Provide procedures, schedule, and documentation for meter calibration. Provide procedures for installation and provide documentation of installation (pictures, diagrams, etc.). Provide equipment that has an internal power source. Provide sensors that are able to accurately measure gravity flow in pipes with diameters ranging from 8" to 84". Sensors must measure the depth, velocity and flow (minimum, maximum and average) with the following levels of accuracy: Depth accuracy of +/- 0.2 inches (maximum) Velocity accuracy of +/- 0.3 feet per second (maximum) Provide intrinsically safe equipment that communicates via a wireless network for the duration of the contract. Provide installation pricing for each flow meter at the existing locations and for the 3 or more additional flow meters (21 flow meters total). 2. Data Collection and Reporting Provide raw flow data at 5-minute intervals, uploaded at a minimum once daily, and available on a secure website accessible to the County personnel at all times. The Contractor must provide a plan to verify the quality of the data on a quarterly basis and make the data available for download in a .csv file or Microsoft Excel compatible file type on the website. The Contractor must provide proposed equipment specifications and a statement explaining and guaranteeing the collection of valid data points. Describe the approach to quality assurance, anticipated up-time, and eliminating invalid data. Provide a cost reduction or owner credit strategy when the stated up-time and data quality is not met (e.g. discount proportional to the actual, valid data points reported divided by the total number of expected valid data points per quarter.) 3. Repair and Maintenance Provide a plan for regular maintenance to ensure that batteries do not fall below 10% capacity and all sensors are able to collect the required data. Maintain and service all of the flow meters at intervals necessary to meet the performance requirements specified herein, but not less than quarterly, to ensure uninterrupted service and data quality. Frequency of site visits shall also meet the minimum recommendations of the equipment manufacturer. The Contractor will provide a cost, per location, for the regular maintenance required to ensure uninterrupted operation. This price shall include: Any calibration required to maintain required accuracy. All traffic control and confined space entry personnel and equipment, hand tools, personal protective equipment, safety gear, and manhole entry equipment necessary for operation, maintenance, equipment repair/replacement of the flow meters and associated equipment. Keep equipment upgraded as necessary to meet data reporting requirements and wireless network. All invoicing to be on a quarterly basis. 4. Other Services Requested Remove and reinstall equipment for construction projects billed on a time and materials basis. Question Submission Deadline:April 5, 2024, 4:00pm


Water / Sewer

Public - County

Site Work



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