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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Reference Number 0000354744 The City of New Bedford Purchasing Department, in conjunction with the Department of Public Infrastructure, is seeking bids from qualified respondents for stormwater system improvements as part of its Phase 2- Buttonwood Brook Water Quality Improvements project. The work within this project includes but is not limited to using best management practice stormwater green infrastructure techniques to capture and treat water that currently flows from impervious surfaces into Buttonwood Brook. The work includes the construction of two bioretention basins, planting and permeable pavement at medians on Kempton Street, (Add Alternate No. 2) Brownell Avenue Landscaped Median, two pedestrian bridges, pedestrian walkways at Buttonwood Park, construction of permeable parking at Brownell Avenue, (Add Alternate No. 1) new drainage and parking lot paving at the New Bedford Police Headquarters and (Add Alternate No. 1) construction of drain lines and repaving at Hillman and Walter Streets, and associated landscape plantings and site improvements. The bidding and award of this Contract will be under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 30, Section 39M. Question Deadline 07/05/2024 at 2:00 PM ET Questions are submitted online Yes , Questions related to the project shall be submitted via online Direct and to Danielle Spicer at Green International, General Requirements - Bid Deposit Required - Certified Payroll - Federally Funded - Insurance Required - Prevailing Wage Required Bonding Requirements - Bid Bond 5 % - Performance Bond 100 % - Payment Bond 100 % Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of New Bedford are applicable to the total dollars paid to the construction contract. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts goals for this project are a minimum of 4.2 percent D/MBE participation and 4.5 percent D/WBE participation by certified DBEs. The City of New Bedford goals for this project are a minimum of 11.00 percent D/MBE participation and 5.00 percent D/WBE participation by certified DBEs. The higher of the two DBE participation goals shall govern. The City of New Bedford also has minimum goals for employment (workforce utilization) of 18.00% minority and 6.90% female participation. The employment percentages shall apply to the contractor and all subcontractors, regardless of tier, for all on-site work. Bidders shall submit all required completed City of New Bedford forms and completed Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection DBE forms (EEO DEP-190C, EEO-DEP-191C and the DBE Certification of United States Citizenship form) with their bid. Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph may be deemed to render a proposal non-responsive. The Contract Time shall be 548 Calendar Days commencing twenty days following the Effective Date of the Agreement. No additional time will be granted should Alternate No.1 or Alternate No.1 and Alternate No. 2 are selected to be included as part of the Contract. *The City reserves the right to reject any and all Bids or parts thereof, to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Bids received, and to accept the Bid or parts thereof deemed to be in its best interest. *The City encourages D/MBEs and D/WBEs to submit Bids. The Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Construction of permeable pavements, planters and planting at median islands at Kempton Street. 2. Construction of two bioretention areas at Buttonwood Park. 3. Construction of walkways and 2 pedestrian bridges in Buttonwood Park. 4. Construction of permeable pavement, walkway and plantings at parking area on Brownell Avenue. 5. Reconstruction of Walter and Hillman Streets, including street, sidewalk, drainage, planting and stormwater bmp. 6. Reconstruction of the parking lot at the New Bedford Police Headquarters, including pavement, drainage, raingardens, and plantings. 7. All other incidental work to complete the project as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, New Bedford, MA

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