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Published July 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Hamtramck, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Reference Number 0000356365 The 2024 ARPA Lead Service Line Replacement Program (C) focuses on replacing lead service lines in the west-central portion of the City of Hamtramck. The first project location will replace 142 lead service lines on Belmont Street, from Chrysler Drive to Joseph Campau. The second project location will replace 55 lead service lines on Yemans Avenue, from Lumpkin to Brombach Street. The anticipated start date, weather permitting, is September 03, 2024, substantially completed by December 06, 2024, and final completion by December 20, 2024. Question Deadline 07/17/2024 at 10:00 AM ET Questions are submitted online No. All RFI's shall be emailed to James Owczarzak at jmowczarzak@hengineers.com 5% Bid Bond The OWNER reserves the right to waive any information or to reject any and/or all bids. Bidders may not withdraw their bid within 60 days after the date of bid opened. Description "Water Meter Relocation, Relocate water meter as Approved by the CITY. This work shall be in accordance with the applicable state and local building and plumbing codes and must be completed by a licensed plumber. Water Meter Relocation 1. Each Water Meter location shall be inspected by the CONTRACTOR and Construction Inspector of the building scheduled to be have a service line replacement on at the start of each day. 2. A video and pictures shall be documented and provided by the CONTRACTOR to the CITY for approval prior to any meter being relocated. 3. The following shall constitute a water main relocation approval request: o Meter is in rear or side of the Home or Business, Except for Homes or Businesses that are slab on grade or in a rear crawl space, No meter move will be approved. o Meter is in the center of the basement. o Meter is not within 5 feet of coming into the front of the home or business. 4. A valve shall be installed on both side of the meter to allow for shut off of the water inside the home. 5. Water Meters shall be installed a minimum of 12-inches off the floor. 6. K-Copper shall be ran all the way the new meter location from the stop box. 7. No interior plumbing shall be installed running along the floor. Water Service Lines 1. The CONTRACTOR shall provide water service lines for all parcels currently receiving water service from the existing water main to the water meter inside of the building being served. Work shall include the removal of the lead material, placement of the new copper service including a new curb stop and box along with the necessary shutoff valve on the downstream end of the meter. Existing water services will be located by the City of Hamtramck. 2. All taps to be done "live." 3. Distance between taps shall be at a minimum of two feet (2'). 4. A minimum clearance distance of two feet (2') shall be maintained between a tap and a pipe joint. 5. For copper services, provide adequate "Goose Neck" at the water main connection. Tap to be made at 10:00 or 2:00 positions. 6. Maintain a minimum of four-to-six feet (4-6') for depth of bury on all service lines. 7. All water service lines two inches (2") or less shall be K-copper or as approved by the ENGINEER. Material 9. All service fittings shall be of brass, copper, or bronze construction, Mueller, Ford or equivalent. All fittings must meet the "No Lead" requirements. 10. One-inch (1") and two-inch (2") service lines shall require a "minimum static pressure test" at time of installation. The service lines shall be flushed by CONTRACTOR immediately after installation. 11. All water service lines three inches (3") or larger shall be Ductile Iron Class 54, ANSI, A21.51 or as approved by the ENGINEER. 12. Full lengths of K-copper shall be used. No splicing of short pieces, compression or flare fittings, or couplers will be allowed. 13. For mechanical joint connections, a saddle clamp that is approved for the type of pipe must be used. 14. The saddle clamp must be bronze or stainless steel and with double strap. Single strap clamps will not be allowed. 15. The ONLY Stop Box approved by the city is EJCO 85604566 and includes the Valve Box Top, Valve Box Extension, Valve Box Base, and Valve Box Cover. 16. The Curb Stop Box must be placed from the back of sidewalk to the right-of-way. If the right-of-way is one foot or greater from the back of sidewalk, then the contractor will be expected to place the stop box in the green space.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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July 22, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Hamtramck, MI

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