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Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a laboratory facility in Wichita, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a laboratory facility.

PROJECT: Regional Forensic Science Center 1109 N. Minneapolis Street Wichita, KS 67214 Modify an existing open office space within the Tox Lab area in preparation for two new workstations for staff relocation once the work is completed. Work to include, but not limited to the following: 1. Removal and disposal of four (4) high density metal movable shelving units, each unit approximate size is 5'W x 67"H, 2. Removal of all floor track from mobile units 3. Removal and disposal of a metal bookshelf that is currently attached to the East wall 4. Removal of the desk and shelving unit that an employee is currently using and store on-site during construction in another room as directed by the owner 5. Re-install if still needed after work is completed as directed by the owner 6. Removal of the existing carpet and wall base 7. Prep floors and install new carpet and wall base 8. Patch and repair walls in the space and paint all walls 9. Carpet and paint will be the county standards and selections will be provided once contract is awarded NOTE: The Workstations will be purchased by Sedgwick County and installed by others and not part of this scope. Question Deadline 09/25/2024 at 5:00 PM CT Bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall make such requests, in writing only, to Lee Barrier, Purchasing Agent, at Lee.Barrier@sedgwick.gov Bid Security is required in the amount of at least 5% of the bid plus all additional alternates. In case of multiple prices in a bid or alternate, write for the maximum possible contract amount. Bid Security can be in the form of a certified or Cashier's Check or Bid Bond acceptable to Sedgwick County. Checks are to be made payable to the Sedgwick County Clerk and drawn on a solvent Kansas bank or trust company. These checks or bonds will be retained by Sedgwick County until the purchase contract has been awarded. In the event of an Award, the lowest, responsive, responsible and best bid price meeting the specifications will be required to enter into contract required for the Project. Said Bidder shall also provide a Performance Bond for the full amount of the contract. The Performance Bond, in the amount of 100% of the Contract amount, must be submitted within 30 calendar days after award of contract. Failure to return these Documents within the required time period may cause a cancellation of the Award. The County reserves the right to reject Bidders in accordance with the Bidding Documents. The Owner shall have the right to waive any informality and/or irregularity in any Bid received. The Owner shall have the right to reject any and all Bids. All Bidders are required to state on the Bid Form the time needed for all work under the general contract to be completed, which would yield their best Bid. Unless otherwise required, this time frame shall be stated in calendar days and shall represent the Contractor's commitment to complete the project on schedule. The contractual period will begin with the issuance of Notice to Proceed and continue through completion of the project. The Agreement will include a stipulation that liquidated damages will be assessed in the amount of $90.00 per calendar day after Completion Date that the work is not substantially complete. Upon satisfactory completion of the Contract, a formal CERTIFICATE OF PROJECT COMPLETION will be forwarded to the Contractor by the Project Architect. The date of substantial completion of the Project will be the starting date of the warranty period.




Public - County


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1109 N Minneapolis St, Wichita, KS

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