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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Newtown, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Purchasing Authority of the Town of Newtown reserves the right to accept or reject any or all options, or proposals; to waive any technicality in any proposal or part thereof, and to accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interest of the Town of Newtown. The Town of Newtown is an Affirmative Action Employer - MBE/WBE are encouraged to bid. Information can be found on the Town of Newtown website under the Purchasing Department. Questions to be submitted by Tuesday, November 12, 2024 by EOD Questions regarding this request for proposal should be directed to Kerri Mubarek, by e-mail at The Town of Newtown (hereinafter known as "Town") is seeking proposals to engage the services of a professional traffic engineer or firm licensed in the State of CT (hereinafter known as "Consultant) to perform a Development of a Community Action Plan; the purpose of which is to identify opportunities to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating fatalities and serious injuries involving all roadway users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation, personal conveyance, and micro-mobility users; motorists; and commercial vehicle operators. The primary deliverable will be a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan that includes the eight (8) components listed in Table 1 of the SS4A grant attached. The individual or firm chosen will have the direct experience and be suitably staffed and equipped to conduct any necessary and produce verifiable results to support any and all recommendations or conclusions as to necessary corrective measures. The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to, the following: The Town of Newtown SS4A Committees (Police, BOE & Town-Owned Buildings, Community) have collaborated with residents, business owners, and town employees to identify areas of opportunity. Each committee has created prioritized lists of intersections and roadways they would like to see improved. A town-wide survey solicited input from business owners and residents. Additional input has come from door-to-door questioning. The consultant will identify a comprehensive set of projects and strategies, shaped by data, the best available evidence, noteworthy practices, stakeholder input, and equity considerations, that will address the safety problems described in the Action Plan. These strategies and countermeasures focus on a Safe System Approach, effective interventions, and multidisciplinary activities. To the extent practical, data limitations are identified and mitigated. Once identified, the list of projects and strategies is prioritized to provide time ranges for when the strategies and countermeasures will be deployed (e.g., short--, mid-, and long-term timeframes). The list should include specific projects and strategies or descriptions of programs of projects and strategies and explain the prioritization criteria used. The list should contain infrastructure, behavioral, and/or operational safety interventions, include recommendations not initially outlined by the survey results or subcommittee recommendations, and may include comprehensive measures that are overarching or can be deployed at multiple locations. The consultant should identify areas from the supplied lists that they recommend as Pedestrian Safety Zones per CGS 14-307ak to aid in implementing strategies and countermeasures to improve traffic safety. Please provide a qualifications packet including the below requirements. Interested consultants/firms shall have extensive experience and knowledge in the field of forensic analysis. The submission should include the following information: A. List of personnel resumes including technical staff with CT professional licenses B. Relevant experience during the last five (5) years. C. List of at least five (5) references. D. Proof of required "Errors and Omissions" insurance. E. Identify any previous or pending litigation over the last 5 years. F. Pricing schedule for personnel and expenses. G. Base line cost proposal for testing and investigation. All candidates will be evaluated, but not limited to, the following criteria: a) Background and experience in providing services to municipalities. b) Demonstrated success on previous projects. c) Credentials of staff. d) Organizational stability. e) Effective communication, accuracy of response, and compliance of requirements. f) Prior work experience and its relevance to this engagement. g) Documented ability to provide the services requested. h) Knowledge of federal and state programs, requirements and regulations. i) Review of references. j) Fee for services rendered. Upon evaluation of all submissions received, qualified candidates/firms may be invited to interview with various Town officials, department heads or panel members, prior to award of contract. Interviews may be requested at Town's own discretion. The Town will review all proposed qualifications submitted in response to this solicitation for conformity with the qualifications sought in connection with this engagement. Upon award selection, the Consultant will be expected to enter into contract with the Town of Newtown. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any informality in the process. It shall be understood that the award made by the Town shall be final and conclusive and without recourse or appeal by the remaining consultants/firms. The successful consultant/firm will be expected to execute a standard contract for professional services as approved by the Town of Newtown. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 4, 2025


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