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Published March 10, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Sanford, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Deposit Required: Each Proposal must be made upon the forms provided by the County and shall be accompanied by a deposit of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. Said Deposit shall be made payable to the Broome County Director of OMB, shall be considered a guarantee that the bidder will enter into the Contract with the County if it is awarded to him/her. Minimum Wage Rates shall be as determined by the New York State Department of Labor and/or the US Department of Labor. This is a Federal Aid Project that is funded, wholly or in part, by the Federal Highway Administration. This proposal is submitted in accordance with the NYSDOT Standard Specifications officially finalized and adopted on January 1, 2025 as posted online with current additions and modifications, and the State Highway Law. Use of NYSDOT Equitable Business Opportunity (EBO) software is required. The bidder shall submit DBE commitments with the proposal in accordance with NYSDOT Standard Specification 102-12.F using appendix 14-9 of the Local Project Manual (LPM). The time for performance of contract is 120 days from date of Notice to Proceed, and completed and ready for final payment by December 01 2025. Bids cannot be withdrawn within 45 days of project letting. Bidders to promptly notify contacts in this notice of any errors, omissions, conflicts or ambiguity among contract documents. New York State Uniform Contracting Questionnaire (CCA-2) is required for both prime and sub-contractors. There are no residential or geographical restrictions or warranties associated with this project. Applicable Federal requirements take precedence over State and local requirements unless state and local requirements are deemed to be more stringent. The State/Federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Utilization Goal is 6.0%. The goal for Minority Participation is 1.1% and the Women Participation goal is 6.9%. The County of Broome officially distributes bidding documents through the Empire State Purchasing Group Copies from any other source are not considered official copies. Only those vendors who obtain bidding documents from the Regional Bid Notification System are guaranteed to receive addendum information, if such information is issued. If you have obtained this document from a source other than the Empire State Purchasing Group, it is recommended that you obtain an official copy. No hard copies of the plans, specifications or addenda will be provided. The Empire State Purchasing Group lists bids from over 190 municipal entities in New York State, and vendors / contractors can register for a free "search only" service, or for a matching service for a small annual fee. PLEASE NOTE THAT IT IS THE BIDDER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN ALL BID DOCUMENTS (INCLUDING ADDENDA) FROM THE EMPIRE STATE PURCHASING GROUP Attention of bidders is called to the "Information for Bidders" in the Proposal, Specifications and Contract Agreements.The bid number should be placed on the upper left corner of the envelope. Each bid must be in a separate envelope. Each Proposal must be accompanied by a Deposit of Cash, Certified Check or Bid Bond, payable to Broome County Director of OMB, in the amount specified by this advertisement. The retention and disposal of such Cash, Certified Check or Bid Bond, by the County, shall conform to Article 5A, Section 105 of the General Municipal Law, as amended. The successful Contractor will be required to execute the Contract and comply, in all respects, with Article 5A, Section 105 of the General Municipal Law, as amended. BID PROPOSAL, PROPOSAL FORM WITH BID AND SIGNATURE, BID TABULATION SHEETS, BID BOND, NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATIONS, OFFERER'S AFFIRMATION OF UNDERSTANDING, OFFERER DISCLOSURE OF PRIOR NON-RESPONSIBILITY DETERMINATION, LOBBYING ACTIVITIES ON FEDERAL AID CONTRACTS, DBE UTILIZATION GOAL FORM, CONTRACTOR'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT, CONTRACTOR / SUBCONTRACTOR QUESTIONNAIRE, CONTRACTOR'S ELECTION LAW STATEMENT, CONTRACTOR'S GIFTS LAW STATEMENT, IRANIAN ENERGY DIVESTMENT CERTIFICATION, CONTRACTOR STORMWATER CERTIFICATION STATEMENT, PROPOSED DBE COMMITMENT LETTER, INSURANCE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, IRS W-9 FORM, FEDERAL CERTIFICATION ADDENDUM FOR CONTRACT FUNDED BY FEDERAL FUNDS, AND BIDDERS CHECKLIST MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH EACH SIGNED PROPOSAL. The Broome County Board of Acquisition and Contracts (BAC) reserves the right to reject any and all Bids offered. All questions or inquires shall be in written form only via email addresses listed below and NO questions or inquiries regarding this bid will be accepted within 7 calendar days prior to the bid opening. Question Deadline: 03/10/2025 Direct all technical questions to: Delta Engineers, Architects, Land Surveyors, & Landscape Architects, DPC, Brian Tyler, PE (607) 352-1690 / btyler@delta-eas.com Direct all administrative questions to: Broome County DPW, Engineering Division ,Nazar K. Logvis, PE - Engineer III (607) 778- 2457 / nazar.logvis@broomecountyny.gov LD040931 is a bridge superstructure replacement with abutment modifications. The project also includes other incidental construction such as paving, guiderail signage and striping. Contract Completion - 120 days form NTP (11/30/25) Please submit quotes in a timely manner as this is a physical delivery only and quotes shall be received on 3/18/25 to ensure consideration.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Paving, Site Work




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