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Site work, paving, outdoor lighting and renovation of a mixed-use development in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and for outdoor lighting for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Work includes, but is not limited to: mobilization; construction survey; temporary erosion control; demolition; clearing and grubbing; excavation; earthwork; grading; storm drainage; concrete walkways and structures; HMA drives and parking; right-of-way improvements; HMA paved public trail; prefabricated maintenance building; prefabricated park structures; renovating an existing restroom building; playground with synthetic turf fall surfacing; conversion of two, natural grass softball fields to synthetic turf; spray park construction; futsal court; adult fitness facility; water, sewer, electrical, and stormwater utility construction; coordination with utility companies; masonry; park area and parking lot lighting with related electrical work; chainlink fencing and gates; painting; signage; pavement striping; site furnishings; site restoration; seeding; planting; irrigation; and coordination with other contracts for concurrent work on the project . Project Location: 14824 C St S, Tacoma, WA 98444 A 5% bid bond must accompany all bids, and a 100% payment and performance bond will be required from the successful bidder. The Contractor will be required to substantially complete all basic bid and alternate work within 410 CALENDAR DAYS OF NOTICE TO PROCEED The contractor will have an additional 30 CALENDAR DAYS to reach Final Completion and Acceptance for a total of 440 CALENDAR DAYS. The award will be made by Pierce County to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications and within the project budget allocation. Pierce County reserves the right to reject any bid for failure to comply with the requirements of this invitation to bid or of any of the Contract Documents. In addition, Pierce County may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion. Pierce County also further reserves the right to reject any or all bids for cause. The bidder adds provisions reserving the right to reject or accept the award, or enter into the contract; All material used on the project shall be new and free of defects. The Owner's Representative reserves the right to reject any material, the appearance of which has been damaged on the site or in shipment. The material shall be of approved equal quality to that which is specified. Should the make and type of material differ from that specified, the Contractor may be required to submit catalog and engineering data (samples if requested) necessary to make a comparison and determine its suitability. The Contractor shall also bear the cost of any changes to the plumbing design made necessary by any approved substitutions. Such request for approval shall be made two weeks in advance of the bid opening to allow time to assess its suitability. Failure to obtain approval prior to bid shall require the successful bidder to furnish materials and equipment only as specified herein. The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees to abide by all provisions of the Liquidated Damages section of the General Provisions as it pertains to the Contractor for all work under this Contract. The Undersigned further agrees to pay to the Owner as liquidated damages as calculated in the General Provisions for each consecutive calendar day that he shall be in default after the time for completion specified herein. Time is of the essence of the contract. Delays inconvenience the public, and the County, and may increase the risk to the public and to the County during construction. Delays also cost taxpayers unwarranted sums of money, adding time needed for administration, engineering, inspection and supervision. Because the County finds it impractical to calculate the actual cost of delays, it has adopted the following formula, to calculate liquidated damages for failure to complete the contract on time. Accordingly the Contractor agrees: 1. To pay (according to the following formula) liquidated damages for each working day beyond the number of working days established for completion, and 2. To authorize the Contracting Officer to deduct these liquidated damages from any money due or to become due the Contractor. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FORMULA LD = .15 C T Where: LD = Liquidated damages per working day (rounded to the nearest dollar) C = Original contract amount. T = Original time for completion in days. When the contract work is completed to the extent that the County has full and unrestricted use and benefit of the facilities, both from the operational and safety standpoint, and only minor incidental work, or minor correction or repairs remains to complete the total contract, the Contracting Officer may determine the contract work is substantially complete. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor in writing of the substantial completion date. For overruns in contract time occurring after the date so established, the formula for liquidated damages shall be reduced to the following: LD = .075 C T The Contractor shall complete the remaining work as promptly as possible. Upon request by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall furnish a written schedule for completing the contract. Liquidated damages will not be assessed for any days for which an extension of time is granted. No deduction or payment of liquidated damages will, in any degree, release the Contractor from further obligations and liabilities to complete the entire contract Final completion- 440 CALENDAR DAYS PROJECT ESTIMATE - $14,494,000.00 including Washington State Sales Tax. 1. Hockey Team Rooms Renovations: a. Construction from a separate project awarded by the Owner for the Hockey Team Rooms modifications, see Appendix I - Hockey Team Room Renovations Site Plans, inside the Recreation Center building, will proceed concurrently on a portion of the site with the work of this contract. b. The work will consist of interior renovations to the Hockey Team rooms, and also includes installation of a new sanitary sewer line exiting from the southwest corner of the Rec Center building, extending east across the front of the building, to a new connection to the sanitary sewer line located west of C Street. c. The work associated with the parking lot renovations will require coordination with the Hockey Team Rooms Contractor to provide a staging and laydown area adjacent to the team room construction entrance, to be located in the existing doorway at the southwest corner of the Rec Center building. 2. Maintenance Building IT and Security Systems Work: a. The work will consist of the County providing cable to, and hooking up various IT and security systems and equipment to the County's systems, using conduit installed by the Contractor for this project, from the Rec Center building, to and throughout the Maintenance Building. b. The work shall be performed by the County's IT and security system contractor. c. Contractor for this project shall provide unlimited access to the work sites, and coordinate scheduling of the work to minimize impacts to the County's contractor.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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14824 C St S, Tacoma, WA

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