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Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Gresham, Oregon. Design plans call for the construction of a pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a pre-engineered storage facility.

As of March 26, 2024, a design team has been awarded, no timeline for general contractor selection, or construction is available at this time. The closed solicitation is below for reference: Rockwood Water People's Utility District (District) is interested in engaging the services of a consultant for the design, specifications, contract documents, cost estimates, reports, technical support, construction inspection and possible construction management services to construct the Groundwater Development Project Package No. 4, Cascade Water Treatment Facility, Pump Station Improvements and Equipment Storage Facility (Project). The Project is partially funded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). As such, all work on the Project is subject to the Federal American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirements, as well as all other WIFIA requirements. Materials specified to be incorporated into this Project shall meet the AIS requirement of P.L. 113-76, Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014. The District operates a groundwater supply system, as the CGA, jointly with the City of Gresham. The groundwater supply at our Cascade site on 19601 NE Halsey St. in Gresham currently consists of three high production wells, chlorination and pumping facility and a 30-inch transmission line to District and City terminal storage reservoirs. Two additional wells near this site, Well #7 and 9 are currently under construction under Groundwater Development Master Plan (GDMP) Packages 1 and 6, and a future well is being evaluated by the Cascade Groundwater Alliance through GSI Water Solutions, the District's Hydrogeologist of Record. Additional wells and treatment facilities in other parts of the District and City are planned but are not included in the scope of this RFP. Package 4 of the Groundwater Development Program is planned as a traditional design-bid-build project and will consist of design and construction of a 25-30 million gallons per day (MGD) manganese groundwater treatment facility, pump station improvements, yard piping, and equipment storage facility at the Cascade site (District's HQ location). The Consultant will be expected to creatively and efficiently produce a design and specifications for these improvements that will allow construction on this site while keeping the existing facilities in operation. The treatment facility design shall include the results of the Pilot Study and Pipe Loop reports, provided by the District. The treatment facility shall include room for operations staff and water quality equipment, and may include class/meeting spaces. Copies of Groundwater Development Package No. 4 Design Services documents and supporting reports may be obtained electronically only. Electronic copies are free of charge and may be obtained by contacting by email only. Proposers must provide contact name, company name, contact information (i.e., mailing address, email address, and phone number) to be placed on the Vendors List to receive a link to the SharePoint site where they may download the documents and receive notifications regarding addenda. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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June 17, 2024


To Be Determined, Gresham, OR

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