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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

**As of March 14, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Project Name: 5192 CIF MSD Roadway & Drainage Improvements. The City of Truth or Consequences, NM will receive sealed bid proposals on forms prepared by Wilson and Company, Inc., Engineers & Architects at the City Hall at 505 Sims, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901 until 2:00pm (local time) on January 31, 2023. Bids received after this time will not be eligible and will not be opened. At 2:30 pm (local time) January 31, 2023, the bids will be moved to the City Commission Chambers at 405 W 3rd Street, Truth or Consequences, NM and will be publicly opened and read. The project is generally described as the existing roadway section widths will be maintained. Full depth asphalt street reconstruction, damaged curb & gutter, drive pads, and intersection ADA ramps will likely be replaced or newly introduced. Existing drainage infrastructure is limited in the area; therefore, drainage improvements will be limited to match existing conditions to the practical extent possible. All existing street signs will be replaced where the retro-reflectivity is less than desirable as defined by the MUTCD. Bidder Requirements: A. Bidders must possess appropriate and current contracting license at the time of bid open as regulated by Construction Industries Division, 2550 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505, Phone: (505) 476-4700. B. Resident/Veterans bidder's preference are eligible. C. All Subcontractors must be registered with the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solution by the day of the bid opening. Non-Mandatory Pre- Bid Conference: A Non-Mandatory Pre-bid conference will be held at City of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico at the City Commission Chambers at 405 W 3rd Street, Truth or Consequences, NM at 2:00pm (local time) on January 24, 2023. How to obtain Bid Documents: Electronic Portable Document Format (pdf) bidding documents may be viewed or downloaded via Consultant's online Plan Room at at no charge. Contractors, Subcontractors, suppliers, etc. must register or log-in to view and/or download bidding documents. Each proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements defined within the contract documents and project manual. The City of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or technicality in any proposal. #5558211, Sun News, Jan. 15, 22, 29 ,2023 The project is generally described as the existing roadway section widths will be maintained. Damaged curb & gutter, drive pads, and intersection ADA ramps will likely be replaced or newly introduced. Existing drainage infrastructure is limited in the area; therefore, drainage improvements will be limited to match existing conditions to the practical extent possible. All existing street signs will be replaced where the retro-reflectivity is less than desirable as defined by the MUTCD. Bidders must possess appropriate and current contracting license at the time of bid open as regulated by Construction Industries Division, 2550 Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM 87505, Phone: (505) 476-4700. B. Resident/Veterans bidder's preference are eligible. C. All Subcontractors must be registered with the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solution by the day of the bid opening. Each proposal shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements defined within the contract documents and project manual. The City of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any informality or technicality in any proposal. The Prime Contract requires Contractor to perform and furnish construction labor, materials, equipment, and services ("Prime Contract Work") in connection with the Project described therein. The Prime Contract (excluding compensation and other confidential information) is incorporated in this Subcontract by reference. Portions of the Prime Contract are attached as Exhibit 1 to this Subcontract; Subcontractor may review other non-confidential portions upon request. The Project described in the Prime Contract is summarized as follows: B. Roadway & Drainage Improvements for MSD Waterline project will include The existing roadway section widths will be maintained. Damaged curb & gutter, drive pads, and intersection ADA ramps will likely be replaced or newly introduced. Existing drainage infrastructure is limited in the area, therefore drainage improvements will be limited to match existing conditions to the practical extent possible. All existing street signs will be replaced where the retro-reflectivity is less than desirable as defined by the MUTCD


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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January 31, 2023

March 2, 2023


Multiple Locations, Truth or Consequences, NM

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