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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in St Catharines, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Proposal (the "RFP") is an invitation by the Regional Municipality of Niagara ("Niagara Region") to prospective proponents to submit proposals for Regional Road 81 (King Street) Rehabilitation Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment, as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix B) (the "Deliverables"). This RFP is being issued to a subset of the Successful Roster Listing developed from Contract 2021-RFSQ-227 specifically Category 14. Project Background and Objective Regional Road 81 (King Street) is a major east/west roadway extending from the Niagara Parkway in the Town of Niagara-On-The-Lake to the west boundary between the Region of Niagara and the City of Hamilton. This project is being initiated to review road rehabilitation options including the addition of active transportation facilities, and to address the failing timber retaining wall system on King St from 19th Street to Brookside Drive. This Request for Proposal is for the engineering services required to prepare the Schedule B Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) for the Regional Road 81 (King Street) Rehabilitation. The project limits are Regional Road 81 (King Street) from 19th Street to 23rd Street, in the Town of Lincoln, a length of approximately 2 km (Appendix D)[NA1] . The project is situated in the communities of Jordan and Vineland, in the Town of Lincoln, and provides access to residential, commercial, and recreational uses. Part of the study area includes the Jordan Hollow, which is part of the Twenty Valley, that is designated as a Life Sciences Area of Natural and Scientific Interest. The average annual daily traffic of within the study area was 6400 in 2020. The Niagara Region Transportation Master Plan (TMP) sets out the strategic vision for transportation in the Niagara Region over the next twenty-five (25) years. As Niagara Region implements its future growth plan outlined in How We GROW, the TMP ensures that Niagara Region plans and budgets for future transportation needs for an integrated network of cycling and pedestrian facilities, transit, roads, and highways. The TMP also recommends an updated and expanded set of policies to guide future transportation and land development decisions. The major components of the TMP are: the Regional Road System; Transportation Demand Management; Transportation Systems Management; Public Transit; Active Transportation; Complete Streets; and Goods Movement. Niagara Region is committed to implementing the overall goals of the TMP as part of its transportation capital projects. Inspections have been carried out on the existing timber retaining wall, and based on the Retaining Wall Evaluation Report a recommendation was made to replace sections of the retaining wall in 1-5 years. In order to strengthen the failing timbers and stabilize the slope temporary repairs were undertaken in 2020 and are being undertaken 2022. A Schedule C MCEA was completed in 2022 for the replacement of the Twenty Mile Creek Arch Bridge. The bridge replacement project includes a multi-use path over the structure, and is scheduled for construction in 2023 and 2024. The Town of Lincoln is undertaking a revitalization project for the Jordan Hollow Park which will be completed as part of the bridge replacement construction works. The Town of Lincoln is also undertaking municipal improvements within the community of Jordan that includes active transportation facilities. Active transportation facilities identified in this project will tie the proposed facilities in Jordan to the Jordan Hollow Park, businesses and residences in Jordan Hollow, and to the community of Vineland. This design assignment is scheduled for 2023, and construction of the works is scheduled for 2025. Please refer to Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix B) for a detailed description of the deliverables, material disclosures, and mandatory requirements. Question Deadline: Tue Jan 10, 2023 12:00:00 PM (EST) Duration in months: 23 The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


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January 18, 2024


Niagara Regional Rd 81, St Catharines, ON

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