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Site work and new construction of a communication facility in Box Elder, Montana. Completed plans call for the construction of a communication facility; and for site work for a communication facility.

OVERVIEW AND BACKGROUND 1. Chippewa Cree Energy Corporation (CCEC) was formed by the Chippewa Cree Tribe in 2012 as a Section 17 corporation to carry out the goals as outlined in the Chippewa Cree Energy Master Plan, which was completed in 2009. The Chippewa Cree Energy Corporation is managed exclusively by its Board of Directors and charged with the duty to conduct and do business either within or outside the exterior boundaries of the Rocky Boy's Indian Reservation, which is located in Northcentral Montana in the Bear Paw Mountains and encompasses approximately 122,000 acres. In August, 2022, the Chippewa Cree Tribe was awarded NTIA Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Grant No. NT22TBC0292250 (NTIA Grant), which funds and provides for new infrastructure to offer high-speed, affordable, and reliable services to the Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy's Reservation and off-Reservation trust land in Montana. In addition, the Chippewa Cree Tribe also applied for a NTIA Middle Mile Grant which enables two areas that have a distance between them to connect up to each other for additional connectivity and capabilities. As subrecipient of the NTIA Grant, the CCEC hereby seeks proposals from qualified contractors to carry out the construction and related services required to implement the two NTIA Grants mentioned above beginning as soon as possible. All responsive proposals must meet the following guidelines and qualifications. Incomplete proposals are deemed invalid and will not be further considered. A summary of the proposal steps and documents required include: 4. Presentation to demonstrate the build-out; 5. Project Plan (must contains a narrative outlining all steps of the project and what will be included); 6. Detailed Budget Narrative; and 7. Detailed Budget Justification. The Detailed Budget Justification shall provide a comprehensive outline of all equipment including but not limited to technology hardware, software, construction equipment, supplies. In addition, the proposal must include the following information for all units: measurements, number of units, costs per unit, manufacturer of units, versions, and additional accessories or licenses, and support contracts, if any. Proposals shall consider and include the following technical requirements and needs: 8. The build-out must cover at minimum 90% of the reservation; 9. The build-out must provide 2.5Ghz 4G/5G cellular broadband and voice coverage; 10. Fiber must be implemented on an FTTh/FTTo build-out to tribal homes, offices, and organizational units and the speeds should provide a minimum of 100/20 and should be able to reach 1Gbps symmetrical at customer's request; 11. Backhaul should be able to support all wireless and wired traffic while also providing redundancy; 12. All equipment including but not limited to technology hardware, software, construction equipment, supplies and all units must include measurements needed, number of units, costs per unit, manufacturer of units, and versions; 13. Maps with layouts and structures must be provided in PDF, PNG, and KML Files for verification and validation; 14. Network and Server rack diagrams must be included; 15. Proposals shall address the hiring of Tribal Employees in connection with the project; 16. Proposals shall include a statement on who will own the infrastructure after completion; and 17. Proposals shall include a statement of future support, training, and assistance during and after the project. Note, there is a planned build-out of Middle Mile Fiber following the route as follows: U.S. Route 2 West at GPS Coordinates - 48.566515, -109.587740 (for estimations only) to Box Elder and then follow Box Elder Rd to the Chippewa Cree Agency, where it will terminate near the Chippewa Cree Tribal Human Services office - 48.254215, -109.788174 (for estimations only). This submission must also include the following documents and the information outlined below (which should be incorporated into the documents) - Presentation to demonstrate the build-out, Project Plan, Detailed Budget Narrative, Detailed Budget Justification (complete outline of All equipment including but not limited to technology hardware, software, construction equipment, supplies and all units must include - measurements needed, number of units, costs per unit, manufacturer of units, versions, and if any additional accessories or licenses are needed including support contracts), Detailed Project Narrative outlining all steps of the project and what will be completed. For this part of the project, proposals shall consider and include the following technical requirements and needs: 18. The build-out must provide multistranded fiber between the locations. Vendor must provide manufacture, number of strands and type of fiber recommendations; 19. Fiber must be able to support 100Gbps symmetrical; 20. Backhaul should be able to support all wireless and wired traffic between the locations while also providing redundancy; 21. All equipment including but not limited to technology hardware, software, construction equipment, supplies and all units must include - measurements needed, number of units, costs per unit, manufacturer of units, versions; 22. Maps with layouts and structures must be provided in PDF, PNG, and KML Files for verification and validation. Applicants must submit a table with information on all proposed interconnection points for the network. This table has three required fields: Point Name, Latitude and Longitude (see descriptions below). Additional fields specified below are optional or will be added by NTIA post application processing. Data Formats - csv, xls, xlsx, txt (with proscribed headers); 23. Applicants must submit a GIS file to show the location of the route miles proposed. The file must contain two required fields: Segment Name and Technology (see descriptions below). Data Formats - Zipped Shapefile (shp, shx, dbf and other supporting files); 24. Fields - Name or unique ID used to identify the line segment within the applicant's own system. Technology used in the network segment: Fiber, Cable, DSL; 25. Network and Server rack diagrams must be included; 26. Proposals shall address the hiring of Tribal Employees in connection with the project; 27. Proposals shall include a statement on who will own the infrastructure after completion; and 28. Proposals shall include a statement of future support, training, and assistance during and after the project. 29. PROPOSED PROJECT SCHEDULE CCEC's proposed schedule for this project is as follows: I. RFP released January 19, 2023 II. RFP responses due to CCEC February 2, 2023 III. Interviews with shortlisted Vendors F e b r u a r y 3 2023 IV. Selection of winning Vendor February 6, 2023 V. Contract execution and start of project February 6, 2023 30. COMPENSATION A N D PAY M E N T TERMS 31. CCEC will pay the Contractor a fixed fee to be negotiated. Precise amounts of and payment terms for these fees will be negotiated by CCEC once a Contractor is selected. 32. EVALUATION CRITERIA 33. CCEC will evaluate responsive proposals based on the following criteria: a. Previous relevant experience; b. Previous relevant experience performing communications infrastructure buildout services for communities, tribes, schools and institutions of similar size and characteristics to those on the Rocky Boy's Reservation; c. Experience and qualifications of technical and management teams; d. References; and e. Proposed pricing.




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New Construction, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Box Elder, MT

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