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Site work for a water / sewer project in Fairfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

provide all labor, materials, equipment, and all else necessary for the installation of the 36" reinforced concrete pipe sewer piping and associated work for the East Trunk Sewer Wetland Crossing as detailed in the project manual prepared by DB Engineers, LLC. This contract is subject to state contract compliance requirements, including non-discrimination statutes and set-aside requirements. State law requires a minimum of twenty-five (25%) percent of the state-funded portion of the contract be set aside for award to subcontractors holding current certification from the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services. The contractor must demonstrate good faith effort to meet the 25% set-aside goals. The site is just north of Kenwood Avenue about a half-mile east of Interstate I-95 in Fairfield, Connecticut as shown on Figure 1. The project entails replacement of approximately 311 linear feet of the East Trunk Sanitary Sewer between Manhole MH-58 and MH-59, as shown on Drawing B-1. Manhole MH-58 is located at the intersection of Kenard Street and Kenwood Avenue and MH-59 is located at the Metro Center site at 219 Ash Creek Blvd in Fairfield, Connecticut. Replacement of the existing 33-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe sewer with a larger 36-inch diameter pipe is proposed. We understand that D&B is considering the option of replacing the sewer along the same alignment as the existing sewer. The as-built sewer Drawing No. 145-17-72A indicates that the sewer profile is fairly flat (pitch of 0.05% from northeast to southwest) with sewer invert dropping from about El. -2.2 at MH-59 to El. -2.4 at MH58. A profile along the sewer is illustrated on Drawing GS-1. The sewer was constructed within an earth fill embankment across the former Ash Creek Inlet. The crest (top) of the embankment is about 16 feet wide and the embankment side slopes are armored with stone riprap. The portion of the sewer crossing the inlet (176 linear feet) is supported on pile foundations consisting of 22 pile bents spaced 8 feet c/c with each pile bent consisting of 2 timber piles. The driven pile length is not known at this time. The remainder of the sewer alignment is supported on soil subgrade. The as-built sewer drawings are provided in Appendix A. The site was remediated of environmental contamination in 2010 as part of the adjacent Metro Center development and new tidal wetlands were created in the area of the sewer. A pond was created upland of the sewer embankment with an HDPE liner and an overflow weir installed along the edge of the pond near the edge of the sewer embankment as shown on Drawing B-1. A rip rap layer (armor stone) exists at the ground surface above the sewer. The recent survey drawing provided by D&B indicates that the site topography is fairly flat along a majority of the sewer alignment with ground surface generally ranging between El. +5 and El. +7 except for about 50 feet from Manhole MH-59, where the ground surface slopes up to El. +16. Response will be in the form of an addendum that will be posted approximately Friday, 21st July 2023 to the Town of Fairfield

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Water / Sewer


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August 17, 2023

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Multiple Locations, Fairfield, CT

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