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Demolition and site work for a residential development in Cuba City, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the demolition of a 64,000-square-foot residential development.

Demolition and removal of a 64,000 sq. ft. building, foundation walls, utilities, and site improvements. Restoration of the site by removing existing asphalt, sidewalks, and curbs, leveling disturbed areas, installing salvaged topsoil, and fertilizing, seeding, and mulching the restored areas. Termination of utility services to the buildings at the exterior property lines. The City of Cuba City reserves the right to waive formalities in bidding and to reject any and all bids. The construction types vary throughout the buildings and there is an. approximately 7,300 sq. ft. basement located under a portion ofthe building. The Contractor shall remove, transport and properly dispose of all materials. Existing asphalt, sidewalks and curbs shall be removed and will be restored by placing 6" ofsalvaged topsoil over the areas. Contractor shall restore the entire site by leveling the areas disturbed, establishing a topsoil borrow area, installing 6" ofsalvaged topsoil material over the areas disturbed and over the borrow area. The top soiled areas shall be fertilized, seeded and mulched. Contractor shall terminate all utility services to the buildings at the exterior property lines and coordinate that work with the Utility Companies and the City ofCuba City. The Owner had an Abatement Report prepared to determine hazardous materials that will need to be disposed of by the Contractor. The completion date ofFebruary 16, 2024 has been established for the building demolition, removal, filling and leveling and May 31,2024 for topsoiling, fertilizing, seeding and mulching AH questions about the meaning err intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to ENGINEER in writing not less than 7 days prior to the date for opening of Bids.

Bid Results

Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work





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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 4, 2023

September 4, 2023


808 S Washington St, Cuba City, WI

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