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Published September 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a civil project in Whiteriver, Arizona. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

WMAT intends to select a SCADA contractor that will have demonstrated expertise and demonstrated longevity to undertake tasks needed now (Task 1) and to amend the contract for future tasks (Tasks 2 and 3) that would cover WMAT RWS construction and post-construction maintenance of the SCADA system. With successful performance the SCADA contractor would be eligible for a contract with amendments for tasks spanning a decade or more. The work in general will be: 1. Task 1 - Cibecue (See below) 2. Task 2 - SCADA for Existing Systems - Design of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), including selection of hardware (SCADA panels, servers and workstations, etc), software selection, programming, and website development for collecting, storing and presenting data from the existing systems, including Task 1-Cibecue and Task 2 as defined further below (cost proposal required with Final Proposals only after short-listing). 3. Task 3 - SCADA for Future Systems - Design of SCADA as defined broadly in Task 3 for future components of the White Mountain Apache Rural Water System (WMAT RWS) when constructed and brought into operation as defined below (no cost proposal by firm selected for Tasks 1 and 2 required until ~2027) 4. Task 4 - SCADA Maintenance - Hardware and software maintenance for a SCADA system for WMAT RWS on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation upon construction scheduled between 2027 and 2034. (no cost proposal required by firm selected until post-2027) 5. Items 3. and 4. above will be included in amendments to the initial contract based on successful contractor performance on item 1. above and submission of cost-effective proposals at the time of contract amendment. Contract Duration; 80 Business Days


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal


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October 9, 2024


To Be Determined, Whiteriver, AZ

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