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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chalk River, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000260047 Question Acceptance Deadline 2023/12/08 11:59:00 PM EST This Scope of Work outlines General Engineering Support between the Supplier(s) and CNL for nuclear and non-nuclear work at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) sites listed below. Non-nuclear work is typical industrial design engineering work not related to nuclear safety. For example, design work related to Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 piping systems is considered nuclear work, however, design work such as conventional B31.1 piping design in a nuclear facility would be considered non-nuclear work. Nuclear work is considered work related to nuclear safety, specifically, work on systems, components, supports, and/or structures, which if fail to perform the design intent, have the potential to impact on the radiological safety of the public or facility personnel. This work will therefore require a more stringent QA program to be adhered to as specified in Section 12. This SOW may involve engineering work at a Grade 1 level (high risk, where failure of the product or service could cause a severe health, security, safety, environmental or business consequence) down to a Grade 3 level (low-risk design work that requires a minimum of formal documentation and evaluation). Note: Suppliers are welcome to participate for partial scope (i.e. only Non-Nuclear work, only certain Engineering disciplines, only certain areas of expertise). 1. CNL is Canadas premier nuclear science and technology organization. As part of this, CNL operates a number of sites in Canada. The focus of this SOW is for engineering services at Chalk River Laboratories, however support may be required at any or all of the following sites: a. Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) b. Nuclear Power Demonstration Waste Facility (NPDWF) c. Douglas Point Waste Facility (DPWF) d. Gentilly -1 Waste Facility (G-1WF) e. Whiteshell Laboratories (WL) f. Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) g. Various other CNL offices and support facilities located in Deep River, Ottawa Ontario, and Fredericton New Brunswick Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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June 13, 2024


Multiple Locations, Chalk River, ON

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