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Published January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Yuma, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Submission Questions and Clarifications You may contact the following person if you have any questions or require clarification on any topics covered in this Request for Bid: Shannon Thomas Public Works Accounts Specialist Voice: 928-341-2504 Cell: 928-503-0617 Email: Shannon.Thomas@yumacountyaz.gov The COUNTY is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of approximately 2,000 miles of roadway. The COUNTY often experiences the need for additional aggregate to complete projects effectively. CONTRACTORS will provide Aggregate Crushing Services to produce various aggregate materials. Aggregate material shall be clean, hard, sound, durable, and uniform in quality and size. Free of any detrimental quantity of soft, friable, thin, elongated or laminated pieces, disintegrated material, organic matter, oil, alkali or other deleterious substance. Materials shall be separated into different stockpiles. Materials may consist of 1 inch and 1/2 inch aggregate, high volume chips and Type II and Type III Slurry Aggregate. In order to assure sufficient materials to fulfill request for services; primary, secondary, or tertiary contracts may be awarded. If the lowest bidder cannot supply enough materials to meet the COUNTY'S needs, the next lowest bidder will be contacted, then the third lowest bidder etc., to provide services QUESTIONS: If there are questions about this Invitation to Bid, they can be directed to: Yuma County Department of Public Works, Questions must be submitted no later than 5pm on August 25th of 2020 or 5 days prior to the bid opening. No questions will be addressed within 48 hours of the deadline to submit proposals. ATTN: Shannon Thomas, 4343 South Ave 5 1/2 E, Yuma, AZ 85365 or via email at shannon.thomas@yumacountyaz.gov. Specific quantities and types of work to be performed under this contract are approximately 100,000 tons of aggregate annually. Work shall conform to the Yuma County Safety and Health Standards and take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the public. The time period specified by each task order will be negotiated with CONTRACTOR prior to issuance; perform all work items within the time periods agreed to and as specified in the task order(s). Future task orders may include, but are not limited to, any or all of the following tasks: a. Develop the designated material source, and process aggregate material. b. Stockpile the designated tonnages at the stockpile location indicated on the task order. c. Clear, grub, level, and furnish, place, and compact gravel base at existing stockpile locations or new stockpile locations. d. Maintain existing pit, pit benches and haul roads. Haul roads are to be maintained to, as a minimum, the same condition as at the commencement of work. e. CONTRACTOR shall develop new stockpile locations where needed as indicated on the task order. f. CONTRACTOR shall supply all utilities which includes but not limited to water, electric, and fuel for the work designated in the work order. COUNTY will assist the contractor in locating a possible water source, but it will be the responsibility of the contractor to make arrangements for its use


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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