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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Wheeling, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

All bidders are required to have a West Virginia Contractor's License per Sections 21-11- 11 of the West Virginia Code and it is to be included with the bid. All questions during bidding should be addressed to Rich Washington, L.A., who can be reached at CT Consultants, Inc, 440.530.2372. AWARD AND EXECUTION OF CONTRACT 9.1 After the Owner's legislative body awards the project, the successful bidder will receive the unsigned contract documents. Within 10 days after their receipt, the successful Bidder shall sign and deliver to the Owner said contract documents including any certifications, certificates, or additional bonds required by the contract. 9.2 The Owner shall execute the Contract within 90 days after the day of the bid opening. When necessary and by mutual consent between the Owner and the Successful Bidder, this 90-day period may be extended. 9.3 The date of the Owner's signature on the Contract Agreement shall be the effective contract date. 9.4 The Owner shall execute and deliver to the successful Bidder one set of fully executed contract documents. BID SECURITY 7.1 Each bid must be accompanied by bid security in the form of a certified or cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the amount bid including all alternates, if any. The certified or cashier's check shall be from a financial institution authorized to transact business in the State of West Virginia and acceptable to the Owner. The bond shall be underwritten by a Surety Company authorized to transact business in the State of West Virginia have an agent licensed to do business in West Virginia. The Surety Company shall be listed on the most current Department of the Treasury Circular 570, "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds." 7.2 The certified or cashier's check or bid bond shall be made payable to the Owner and shall serve as a guarantee that in the event the bid is accepted and a contract is awarded to the successful Bidder, the contract will be executed by the bidder including any certifications, certificates or additional bonds required by the contract. 7.3 Failure on the part of the successful Bidder to execute the contract documents will cause the certified or cashier's check or bond to be forfeited to the Owner as damages. A. If the Owner awards the contract without rebidding, the Bidder (and the Surety on his bond if a bond was submitted) shall be liable to the Owner for a penal sum not to exceed the difference between the low bid and the next lowest bidder or 5% of the amount of the bid, whichever is less. B. If the Owner does not award the Contract to the next lowest Bidder, but resubmits the project for bidding; the Bidder (and the Surety on his bond if a bond was submitted) shall be liable to the Owner for a penal sum not to exceed the costs in connection with the resubmission of bids or 5% of the amount of the bid, whichever is less. CONTRACT BOND / PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND 8.1 As security for faithful performance and payment of all obligations under the Contract, the Owner shall require and the successful Bidder shall furnish a Contract Bond AKA a Performance and Payment Bond in the amount of 100% of the awarded Contract Price. The Contractor and his Surety shall sign the Supplemental Bond Acknowledgement form and submit with the Contract forms. 8.2 The bond shall be underwritten by a Surety Company authorized to transact business in the State of West Virginia have an agent licensed to do business in West Virginia. The Surety Company shall be listed on the most current Department of the Treasury Circular 570, "Surety Companies Acceptable on Federal Bonds." 8.3 The contract bond shall cover correction of the work for the period stated in the specifications and the correction period shall start upon Final Acceptance of the entire project and final payment by the Owner.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Wheeling, WV

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