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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Harbor Springs, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

It is the intent of Harbor Springs Public Schools (here after referred to as the "District") to solicit proposals from qualified vendors for an AV, structured cabling, public address, and clock system solution. This solution will consist of the following components (please note that vendors can propose on a single section only): A. Classroom audio/visual (AV) systems B. Large area projection and sound systems C. Structured cabling D. Public address (PA) and clock system E. All above systems will include: o Warranty services o Installation services o Integration services o Training services (at no charge to the District) The Harbor Springs Public Schools AV, structured cabling, PA, and clock system RFP involves the following buildings: Facility Classroom AV Large area AV Structured cabling PA/Clocks Harbor Springs HS 500 N. Spring St Harbor Springs, MI 49740 All except cabling Cafeteria One drop & HS Addition All Harbor Springs MS 800 S. State St, Harbor Springs, MI 49740 All except AV cabling and wireless AP cabling Cafeteria All except wireless All New Elementary 175 E Lake St Harbor Springs, MI 49740 All Gym All All Additional buildings to be awarded at a later date: o High School (Cabling) o Blackbird Elementary o Transportation o Custodial/Grounds The High School will require the entire scope of work noted in this RFP. However, in all parts except the new addition, the existing AV cabling will be reused, and the structured cabling scope will only be for an additional drop requested in the wood shop. The Middle School will require the entire scope of work noted in this RFP, with the existing AV cabling to be reused, and structured cabling to be replaced building-wide, save for wireless access point drops which will be reused. The New Elementary School is a newly constructed addition to the Middle School that will require the entire scope of work. Vendors' pricing should be based on initial buildings, with a unit cost commitment for future projects at other buildings in the District. The additional buildings may be awarded in the future at the District's discretion. Each prospective vendor is responsible for submission of its proposal. Proposals or proposal revisions received after the Due Date and time will not be accepted or considered. The District is not liable for any delivery or postal delays. All proposals received after the Due Date and time will remain unopened and made available to the respective vendor for pickup, at its sole cost and expense, for a period of two weeks. Proposals shall be submitted as follows by the deadline indicated in Section 1.3, Schedule of Events: o One printed bound signed original o One thumb drive consisting of only two files: a. One single scanned PDF file of the submitted printed signed complete proposal b. Appendix A in Excel format All proposals must be in a sealed package and contain the wording "Harbor Springs AV, Structured Cabling, Public Address, and Clock System RFP" on the package. The wording "ORIGINAL" is to appear on the outside of the binder containing the original signed proposal. If a bid bond or cashier's check is used, an original copy of the bid bond must be submitted in the binder marked Original. Proposals may not be delivered via facsimile or email. All proposals MUST include the Vendor Response Forms provided in Appendix A. Proposals shall be accompanied by a sworn and notarized statement disclosing any familial relationship that exists between the vendor or any employee of the vendor and any member of the Board of Education or superintendent. The District shall not accept a proposal that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement. The Non-Familial Form must accompany your bid proposal (see Appendix A). In accordance with the Iran Economic Sanctions Act, Michigan Public Act No. 517 of 2012, all vendors must execute the "Iran Linked Business Affidavit" and include it in their proposals (see Appendix A). Said forms are included in the Vendor Response Forms. The District will not accept a proposal that does not include this sworn and notarized disclosure statement. The form must accompany your bid proposal (see Appendix A). 1.5 INTENT TO PROPOSE Each vendor that intends to submit a proposal in response to this RFP should communicate its intent via email to drew.youngstrom@plantemoran.com with the subject line "Vendor name-Harbor Springs Public Schools AV, Structured Cabling, Public Address, and Clock System RFP - Intent to Propose." Please refer to Section 1.7, RFP clarifications and addenda, for the contact information to address specific questions related to this RFP. The response shall include the name of the Vendor, the name of the contact person, and that person's email address. Please note that any addenda will be posted by the District to the bid site that housed the original RFP. Vendors are responsible for checking the site regularly to make themselves aware of any new addenda. When making requests for clarification, please identify the relevant section number (e.g., Section 2.3.1). Requests for clarification shall be submitted by email only to: Drew Youngstrom, Plante & Moran, PLLC Drew.youngstrom@plantemoran.com Every bid shall be accompanied by either a cashier's check on a solvent bank or by a bond executed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state of Michigan. A 5% bid bond or cashier's check shall be required. Such check or bond shall name the District as recipient. The amount of such bid bond or cashier's check shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, costs, and expenses incurred by the District if the vendor, after given an award as successful vendor, shall fail within 30 days after the notice of such award to enter into appropriate contract with the District. The District MAY require the selected vendor(s) to provide a performance bond upon award of the contract. The associated cost of the performance bond is to be shown as a separate line item -- do NOT include this cost in your base bid. This bond shall be equal in amount to the total price to the District of purchased hardware, software, cabling, and services. The surety of the bond shall remain in effect for one year after all acceptance of the entire project has been executed by the District. In the event that the vendor(s) fails to perform its obligations under any agreement between the vendor(s) and the District, the bond shall be paid to the District. The vendor(s) further agrees to save and hold harmless the District and agents from all liability and damages of every description in connection with any subsequent agreements. Payment bonds shall be required under the following conditions: project award exceeds $50,000 and project involves construction, alteration, or repair to the buildings. Vendors must include a letter from their bonding company within the proposal that states that they are bondable. Anticipated award date April / May 2024 Implementation schedule Summer of 2024 (new elementary & other components), some will go into 2025 Question Deadline 03/08/2024 end of day. Requests for clarification shall be submitted by email only to: Drew Youngstrom, Plante & Moran, PLLC Drew.youngstrom@plantemoran.com




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