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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Clandeboye, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Contract duration The estimated contract period will be 5 month(s), with a proposed start date of 2024/10/01. The only acceptable facsimile for responses to proposal solicitations 1-855-983-1808. The maximum email file size that Parks Canada is capable of receiving is 15 megabytes. The Proponent is responsible for any failure attributable to the transmission or receipt of the emailed proposal due to file size. The Proponent should be cognisant of the size of the email as a whole, and not only the attachments. Please take into consideration that some attachments, when sent, may be resized during the email transfer. If the email size is too large, the Proponent should send the proposal in multiple emails properly labeled with the solicitation number, project name, and indicate how many emails are included (ex. 1 of 2). Emails with links to proposal documents will not be accepted. Proposal documents must be sent as email attachments. REQUIREMENT Parks Canada requires a consultant team for an assessment and design services required to address drainage and safety concerns of 3 buildings at Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site. These are the front entrance walkway at the Visitor Reception Center, the Picnic Shelter, and the Big House. The design portion of the work must be completed by March 01, 2025. Question Deadline 09/12/2024 PERIOD OF CONTRACT / DELIVERY DATE Contractor must perform and complete the Work no later than March 01, 2025. Any clarifications or changes to the bid solicitation resulting from the bidders' conference will be included as an amendment to the bid solicitation. Bidders who do not attend will not be precluded from submitting a bid. ENQUIRIES All enquiries of a technical and contractual nature are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority. Enquiries regarding this solicitation must be submitted in writing and should be received no later than eight (8) business days prior to the date set for solicitation closing to allow sufficient time to provide a response. Enquiries received after that time may result in an answer NOT being provided. The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement. Bid date note: Proposals submitted by email directly to the Contracting Authority or to any email address other than will not be accepted. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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October 1, 2024


5925 Provincial Trunk Hwy 9, Clandeboye, MB

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