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Site work for a water / sewer project in Woodland, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Water System Improvements The work under this Contract will consist generally of the following The construction of approximately +- 7,277 LF of 6" C900 Class 150 PVC water main, +- 10, 6" mechanical joint ductile iron gate valves, +- 11, 3-way fire hydrant assemblies, +- 2 connections to existing water mains, +- 119 SY concrete removal and replacement, erosion control, and all appurtenances necessary for a complete job. All work on the Project must be completed within 180 consecutive calendar days of date of notice to proceed. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with the City of Woodland prior to the time set forth above, and accompanied by a Bidder's Bond, payable to the City of Woodland, Georgia, for 10 percent of the amount of the bid; to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid be accepted and the bidder fail to enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required Payment Bond and Performance Bond and Insurance Certificates. Bids arriving after the designated time will be returned unopened. Build America, Buy America (BABA) Contract Clause All requirements of the Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act, 41 USC 8301 note, and all applicable rules and notices, as may be amended, shall be complied with if applicable to the infrastructure project. Pursuant to HUD's Notice, "Public Interest Phased Implementation Waiver for FY 2022 and 2023 of Build America, Buy America Provisions as Applied to Recipients of HUD Federal Financial Assistance" (88 FR 17001), any funds obligated by HUD on or after the applicable listed effective dates, are subject to BABA requirements, unless excepted by a waiver. No bids shall be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the opening of bids. The City of Woodland reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to overlook and/or disregard informalities or irregularities in the proposals. To receive consideration, such questions shall be submitted in writing to the Engineer at least 7 days before the advertised date for receipt of bids. SCOPE OF WORK: a) Sequence of Operations. Before starting the work and from time to time during its progress, as the Engineer may request, the Contractor shall outline to the Engineer the methods he plans to use in doing the work and the various steps he intends to take. Within 15 days after delivery of the Notice to Proceed, the Contractor shall prepare for submission to the Engineer (a) a schedule fixing the dates at which additional drawings, if any, will be required, and (b) a schedule fixing the respective dates for the start and completion of various parts of the work, each such schedule to be subject to review and change from time to time during the progress of the work. b) Alterations. The Engineer may make alterations in the line, grade, plan, form, dimensions or materials of the work or any part thereof, either before or after the commencement of construction. If such alterations increase or decrease the quantity of work they shall be made at the unit prices stipulated for such work, compensation for increased work shall be made under the item for Extra Work, and for decreased work the Contractor shall allow the Owner a reasonable credit as determined by the Engineer. If such alterations diminish the quantity of work to be done, they shall not warrant any claim for damages or for anticipated profits on the work that is dispensed with. c) Extra Work. The Contractor shall do any work incidental to the proper completion of the contract not herein otherwise provided for when and as ordered in writing by the Engineer, either (a) at the price agreed upon before the work is commenced, and named in the order for the work, or (b) if the Engineer so elects, for the reasonable cost of said work, as determined by the Engineer, plus 15 percent of such cost. No extra cost will be paid for unless specifically ordered as such by the Engineer in writing. The Contractor shall, when requested by the Engineer so to do, furnish itemized statements of the cost of the work ordered and give the Engineer access to the accounts, bills, and vouchers relating thereto. The Engineer shall include in the cost of extra work under (b) above, the reasonable cost to the Contractor of all materials used, of all machinery and of all equipment used upon the extra work for the period of such use. The fair rental for all machinery and equipment shall be based upon the most recent edition of "Compilation of Rental Rates for Construction Equipment," as published by the Associated Equipment Distributors, or similar publication approved by the Engineer. Rental for machinery which was upon the work immediately before, or which shall be required by or used upon the work after the extra work is done, shall be based upon an appropriate fraction of the approved monthly rate schedule. If said work 01000-7 requires the use of machinery not upon the work or to be used upon the work, then the cost of transportation, not exceeding a distance of 100 miles, of such machinery to and from the work shall be added to the fair rental as accepted by the Engineer in writing prior to the rental of the machine. If any machine or piece of equipment becomes unusable due to breakdown or any other cause, the Owner shall not be required to pay any rental beyond a 24-hour period of loss of use and shall not be responsible for any repair costs. The Engineer shall include in the cost of extra work, the cost to the Contractor of additional premiums paid on the required insurance on account of such extra work, and the cost of Social Security or other direct assessment upon the Contractor's payroll by Federal or other properly authorized public agencies. The Engineer shall not include in the cost of extra work any cost or rental of small tools, buildings, or any portion of the time of the Contractor, or his superintendent, or any allowance for use of capital or the premium on the bond as assessed upon the amount of extra work, these items being considered as being covered by the 15 percent added to the reasonable cost. In the event that the extra work involves work or furnishing of materials by a subcontractor or supplier, the Contractor's itemized statement of cost shall include details of the subcontractor's or supplier's cost of the extra work. The subcontractor may add no more than 15 percent for overhead and profit and other items. In the event that the change results in a credit, the subcontractor or supplier shall add 10 percent to the itemized cost of the change. The Prime Contractor may add to the total cost, including the subcontractor's cost and mark-up, no more than 5 percent for overhead and profit where the extra work and materials are furnished by the subcontractor or supplier. Under a credit for omission of work or materials by a subcontractor or supplier, the Prime Contractor shall add 5 percent to the credit amount as shown in the itemized statement of cost. In situations where both a subcontractor and the Prime Contractor furnish work and materials for a change, the Prime Contractor may add on a pro-rated basis the percentages for profit, overhead and bond as specified above. For changed work to be furnished by a supplier or vendor, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer, on demand, a lump sum estimate or quotation of the cost of the item or items to the Contractor, signed by the supplier or vendor. In preparing detailed estimates for proposed change orders which involve both added and omitted work, the Contractor shall separately estimate the cost of the added work on the basis specified above, and separately estimate the cost of the omitted work on the basis specified above, and the net difference between the two shall be his proposed price for the changed work involved. 01000-8 In the event that an agreement cannot be reached between the Contractor and the Engineer as to the cost of any proposed change in the work, the Engineer may then order the Contractor to proceed with the change on a cost plus basis. d) Contractor's Office and Telephones. The Contractor shall maintain, during the performance of this contract, an office at the site of the work, at which he or his authorized agent shall be present at all times while work is in progress. Instructions from the Engineer left at his office shall be considered as delivered to the Contractor. Copies of the contract, the working drawings and specifications for the work shall be kept at said office, ready for use at any time. The Contractor shall provide and at all times maintain during the performance of this contract, one-party line telephone connections with the lines of the telephone company. e) Engineering and Inspection Facilities. - Not Required for This Contract The Contractor shall furnish and maintain suitable quarters in an approved location equipped for the exclusive use of the forces of the Engineer from the time of beginning work under this contract until construction work is completed. These quarters shall be a separate room not less than 12 feet by 16 feet with an outside entrance, or shall be a separate temporary building. The quarters shall be provided with heat, air conditioning, light, water of potable quality, disposal of garbage and sewage and janitor service. There shall be a sufficient number of windows to permit use of the room for engineering purposes in normal daylight, without artificial light. Doors and windows shall have adequate locks. A screen door shall also be provided. A temporary building shall be of sheet metal, or sound wood construction, with tight tongue-and-groove wood flooring, waterproofed and lined with wall board. The room shall be wired and provided with lamps, and convenient outlets. The building may be of approved portable or "knock-down" construction or a construction trailer office satisfactory to the Engineer. The furniture provided shall be steel office furniture and shall consist of a table 36 inches by 60 inches with a drawer, one flat top desk with drawers, two stools, three chairs, and one swivel desk chair. The Contractor shall also furnish additional minor equipment such as tables, benches, storage cupboards, filing cases, water cooler, and shelving, as indicated. Telephone service for the exclusive use of the Owner or Engineer shall be provided and maintained by the Contractor in the above-described building. This service shall be "individual line." The Contractor shall pay for all local calls. 01000-9 Upon completion of the work, all office furniture shall be returned to the Contractor. This facility shall remain in operation and use until all contracts are completed. f) Drinking Water. The water furnished by the Contractor shall include a sufficient supply of drinking water from approved sources, of acceptable quality and satisfactorily cooled for his employees and the engineers and employees of the Owner. 5. CONTROL OF WORK: a) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall submit in writing to the Engineer immediately after the signing of this contract, full information as to what portions of this work he proposed to sublet, if any, and to whom he proposes to sublet them. Subcontractors cannot perform more than 49% of the total work required by the contract. It is hereby mutually agreed that the Engineer shall have the right to disapprove of any subcontractor, in which event the Contractor shall employ an approved subcontractor or do the work himself; or to disapprove of the performance of any portion of the work under subcontract, in which event the Contractor shall do the work himself. The Contractor agrees that the approval of such subletting of work or of subcontractors shall in nowise lessen his responsibility for strict compliance with all the provisions of the contract. The owner or engineer may require the removal of any subcontractor. The Owner will not deal with any subcontractor. b) Not to Sublet or Assign. The Contractor shall give his personal attention constantly to the faithful prosecution of the work, shall keep the same under his personal control and shall not assign by power of attorney or otherwise, nor sublet the work or any part thereof without the previous written consent of the Owner, and shall not either legally or equitably assign any of the moneys payable under this agreement, or his claim thereto, unless by and with the like consent of the Owner and the Surety on the Bond. c) Engineer to Decide. The Engineer shall in all cases determine the amount, quality, acceptability and fitness of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for under this contract; shall determine all questions in relation to said work and decide every question of the fact which may arise relative to the fulfillment of this contract on the part of the Owner and on the part of the Contractor. His estimate and decisions shall be final and conclusive upon both parties of this contract. 01000-10 Any differences or conflicts which may arise between the Contractor and other contractors of the Owner in regard to their work shall be adjusted and determined by the Engineer. d) Engineer to Give Orders. The Engineer shall make all necessary explanations as to the meaning and intention of the drawings and specifications, and may give necessary orders and directions. The order or sequence of execution of the work shall be subject to review by the Engineer, who shall have authority to direct the order or sequence where public necessity or welfare shall require, which approval or direction shall, however, in nowise affect the responsibility of the Contractor in the conduct of the work. The Engineer will have authority to suspend the work either wholly or in part, due to failure of the Contractor to correct conditions unsafe for the workmen or the general public; for failure to carry out provisions of the contract; for failure to carry out orders; for such periods as he deems necessary due to unsuitable weather; for conditions considered unsuitable for prosecution of the work; or for any other conditions or reasons deemed to be in the public interest. e) Absence of Contractor. Whenever the Contractor is not present on any part of the work where it may be desired to give directions, order may be given by the Engineer, and shall be received and obeyed by the superintendent or foreman who may have charge of the particular work in reference to which orders are given. f) Interference with and Protection of Streetsand Waterways. The Contractor shall not close or obstruct any portion of a street, road, private way, waterway or river, without obtaining permits therefore from the proper authorities. He shall place and at all times keep proper guards and at night suitable and sufficient warning lamps for the prevention of accidents; shall furnish watchmen to direct traffic where required to protect life or property; and shall observe police regulations and local ordinances. If any such way shall be rendered unsafe by the Contractor's operations, he shall make such repairs or provide such temporary ways or guards as necessary. When it is necessary to haul soft or wet material over the streets, the Contractor shall provide suitable watertight vehicles for the purpose. g) Sanitary Regulations. The Contractor shall provide adequate sanitary conveniences for the use of those employed on the work, and their use shall be strictly enforced. Such conveniences shall be made available when the first employees arrive on the work, shall be constructed and maintained at such points and in such manner as may be approved and shall be removed after departure of the last employees from the job. 01000-11 The Owner shall have the right to inspect any building erected, maintained, or used by the Contractor to determine whether or not the sanitary regulations have been complied with. The Contractor shall rigorously prohibit the committing of nuisances upon the lands of the Owner, or others, about the works, or upon adjacent property. h) Access to Work. The Owner and the Engineer, and their agents and employees may, for purposes already specified and for any other purposes, enter upon the work and the premises used by the Contractor, and the Contractor shall provide safe and proper facilities thereof. Representatives of the appropriate State and Federal regulatory agencies and the local governing body shall be provided access to the work during normal working hours. i) Inspection. All materials and workmanship shall be subject to inspection. The Contractor shall afford every reasonable facility for inspecting the material and work at all times, on the site of construction or erection, even to the extent of uncovering or taking down portions of finished work upon order. Should the work thus exposed or examined prove satisfactory, the uncovering or taking down and the replacement of material and rebuilding of the work shall be considered and paid for as extra work unless the original work was done in the absence of the Engineer or his inspector without his written authorization, in which case that section of the Contract Provisions entitled "Work to Conform" shall govern. Taking down, replacing, and making good shall be at the expense of the Contractor. The presence of the Engineer shall in nowise lessen the responsibility of the Contractor. j) Work to Conform. All work shall conform during its progress and on its completion truly to the lines, levels, and grades indicated on the drawings or given by the Engineer and shall be built in a thoroughly substantial and workmanlike manner, in accordance with the plans and specifications and directions given from time to time by him. In no case shall any work in excess of the plan requirements and specifications be paid for unless ordered in writing. All work done without proper lines or levels, or done during the absence of the Engineer or his agent, will not be estimated or paid for except when such work is authorized in writing. Work so done may be ordered uncovered or taken down, removed, and replaced at the Contractor's sole cost and expense. k) Defective Work. The inspection of the work shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations to fulfill his contract as herein prescribed, and defective work shall be made good and unsuitable materials shall be rejected, notwithstanding that such work and 01000-12 materials have been previously accepted by the Engineer or estimated for payment. If the work or any part thereof shall be found defective at any time before the final acceptance of the whole work, the Contractor shall forthwith make good such defect, and if any material brought upon the ground for use in the work, or selected for the same, shall be condemned as unsuitable or not in conformity with the specifications, the Contractor shall forthwith remove such materials from the vicinity of the work, and any material furnished by the Owner which shall be damaged or rendered defective by the handling or improper installation by the Contractor, his agents or employees, shall be made good and replaced at the Contractor's own expense. l) Mistakes of Contractor. The Contractor shall pay to the Owner all expenses, losses, and damages, incurred in consequence of any defect, omission or mistake of the Contractor, or his employees, or the making good thereof. m) Precautions During Adverse Weather. During adverse weather, the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions so that the work may be properly done and satisfactory in all respects. When required, protection shall be provided by use of tarpaulins, wood and building paper shelters, or other approved means. During cold weather, materials shall be preheated, if required and the materials and adjacent structures into which they are to be incorporated shall be made and kept sufficiently warm so that a proper bond will take place and a proper curing, aging or drying will result. Protected spaces shall be artificially heated according to the particular requirements of the work being protected. Ingredients for concrete and mortar shall be sufficiently heated so that the mixture shall be warm throughout when used. The Engineer may suspend construction operations at any time when, in his judgment, the conditions are unsuitable or the proper precautions are not being taken, whatever the weather may be in any season. If temporary heat is required for the protection of the work, the Contractor shall provide and install approved heating apparatus, and shall provide adequate and proper fuel and maintain fires as required. Temporary heating apparatus shall be installed and operated in such manner that the finished work will not be damaged thereby. n) Obligation to Pay for Labor & Materials. The Contractor shall pay for all materials furnished and services rendered for the performance of this contract, and any person, firm or corporation furnishing such materials or rendering such services may maintain an action to recover for the same against the Contractor and his Surety, or either of them. If so requested by the Owner, the Contractor and his subcontractors shall furnish lien waivers or certified statements from 01000-13 any party furnishing materials or rendering service in connection with this project, that said party has been paid in full. o) Extension of Time on Account of Extra Work. When extra work is ordered at any time during the progress of the work which requires, in the opinion of the Engineer, an unavoidable increase of time for the completion of the contract, a suitable extension of the time of completion shall be made. p) Stoppage of Work. If the work to be done under this contract shall be abandoned, or if this contract or any part thereof shall be sublet without the previous written consent of the Owner, or if the contract or any claim thereunder shall be assigned by the Contractor otherwise than as herein specified, or if at any time the Engineer shall be of the opinion and shall so certify in writing, that the conditions herein specified as to the rate of progress are not fulfilled, or that the work or any part thereof is unnecessarily or unreasonably delayed or that the Contractor has violated any of the provisions of this contract, the Owner may notify the Contractor by a written order with a copy mailed to the home office of the Surety to discontinue all work, or any part thereof; and thereupon the Contractor shall discontinue such work or such part thereof as the Owner designates, and the Owner may thereupon, by contract or otherwise, as it may determine, complete the work, or such part thereof, and charge the entire expense of so completing the work or part thereof to the Contractor; and for such completion the Owner for itself or its contractors may take possession of work or part thereof, any of such materials, equipment, machinery, implements and tools of every description as may be found at the location of said work. All expenses charged under this Article shall be deducted and paid by the Owner out of any money then due or to become due the Contractor under this contract, or any part thereof; and in such accounting the Owner shall not be held to obtain the lowest figures for the work of completing the contract or any part thereof, or for insuring its proper completion but all sums actually paid therefore shall be charged to the Contractor. In case the expenses so charged are less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract if the same had been completed by the Contractor, the Contractor shall be entitled to receive the difference; and in case such expenses shall exceed the said sum, the Contractor shall pay the amounts of the excess to the Owner. q) Use of a Portion of the Work. The Owner reserves the right to use any portion of the work prior to the completion of the Contract. Such use shall be subsequent to a written notice to the Contractor and shall not be held to be an acceptance thereof or a waiver of any of the requirements of the contracts. Any damage resulting to the work, due to such use and not to defective materials or workmanship, or to the action of the elements or other natural causes, and which may result notwithstanding satisfactory precaution taken by the Contractor, shall be repaired or replaced at the expense of the Owner. 01000-14 r) Contract Drawings and Specifications. Any additional Drawings and Specifications required by the Contractor shall be billed to the Contractor at cost. The Contractor shall keep one complete set of contract drawings and specifications available on the principle site of the work at all times, and as many additional sets or parts of sets as directed to insure orderly progress. In case any part of the contract work is being prosecuted away from such principle site, the Contractor shall keep available at the site of such work such part or parts of the Contract Documents as ordered. s) Construction Plan-Storage of Materials. The Contractor shall make arrangements for and furnish all space required for offices, plant and storage of material. The Contractor shall arrange his plant and store his materials as compactly as practicable at points convenient for the Contractor and which do not damage the work or interfere with the work of other contractors or with free access to all parts of the site and to utility installations. Materials shall be stored in a manner so as to facilitate inspection and to insure preservation of their quality and fitness for use. They shall be placed on wooden platforms or other clean surfaces and not on the ground and shall be placed under cover. t) Staking Work. The actual layout and staking of individual items, including the placing of grade and line stakes for sewer construction, shall be done by and be the responsibility of the Contractor. Such work shall be subject to checks by the Engineer as to compliance with the Contract Drawings and Specifications. Copies of cut sheets and staking notes shall be furnished to the Engineer as the staking proceeds. The Contractor shall employ a Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Land Surveyor who shall be responsible for and certify the staking work. No separate payment will be made for the costs involved in the survey work, layout work or staking performed by the Contractor. All such costs will be considered as incidental to the contract. The Contractor shall keep a set of plans on the site at all times and record all changes and revisions. The Contractor shall submit the revised plans to the Engineer at the close of the job for preparation of As-built Plans. u) Supplemental Drawings. Additional drawings for the purpose of explaining details of the work, or to show changes in the work will be furnished the Contractor from time to time, as found necessary. Supplemental drawings bearing the signature of an authorized representative of the Owner shall upon issue become a part of the Contract Documents. 01000-15 v) Oral Modification. No oral statement of any person whomsoever in any manner or degree shall modify or otherwise affect the terms of this Contract. 6. CONTROL OF MATERIAL: a) Right to Materials. Nothing in this contract shall be construed as vesting in the Contractor any right of property in the materials used after they have been attached or affixed to the work or the soil, but all such materials shall, upon being so attached or affixed, become the property of the Owner. b) "Or Equal" Clause. Whenever in any section of the Contract Documents any article, material, or equipment is defined by describing a proprietary product, or by using the name of a manufacturer or vendor, the term "or equal" if not inserted shall be implied. The specific article, material, or equipment mentioned shall be understood as indicating the type, function, minimum standard of design, efficiency, and quality desired and shall not be construed in such a manner as to exclude manufacturer's products of comparable quality, design, and efficiency. c) Shop & Working Drawings and ConstructionDrawings. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a complete schedule of data on materials and equipment to be incorporated in the work. Submittals shall be supported by descriptive material, such as catalogs, cuts, diagrams, performance curves, and charts published by the manufacturer, to show conformance to specification and drawing requirements; model numbers alone will not be acceptable. Each individual submittal item for materials and equipment shall be marked to show Specification Section and paragraph number which pertains to the item. The purpose of shop drawing submittals is to demonstrate to the Engineer that the Contractor understands the design concept. The Engineer's review of such drawings, schedules, or cuts shall not relieve the Contractor from responsibility for deviation from drawings or Specifications unless he has, in writing, called the Engineer's attention to such deviation at the time of submission, and has received from the Engineer, in writing, permission for such deviations. Shop drawings shall be stamped by the Engineer with the following classifications: distribution. 1) No Exceptions Taken. No corrections, no marks. Contractor shall submit copies for 01000-16 2) Make Corrections Noted. A few minor corrections. Items may be ordered as marked up without further resubmission. Submit corrected copies for distribution. 3) Amend and Resubmit. Minor corrections. Item may be ordered at the Contractor's option. Contractor shall resubmit drawings with corrections noted. 4) Rejected-Resubmit. Major corrections or not in accordance with the Contract Documents. No items shall be ordered. Contractor shall correct and resubmit drawings. 5) Submit Specified Item Equipment unacceptable, submit specified item. Corrections to shop drawings shall not relieve the Contractor from the obligation to complete the project within the time allowed by the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall submit shop or working drawings of concrete reinforcement, structural details, piping layout, wiring, materials fabricated especially for this project, materials for which drawings are specifically requested, and equipment. The Contractor shall also submit structural shop drawings, computations, and construction procedures for jacking pits, sheeted trenches, and cofferdams to be used in construction. Such drawings shall show the principle dimensions, the weight, structural and operating features, space required, clearances, etc., depending on the subject of the drawing. When it is customary so to do, or when the dimensions are of particular importance, the drawings shall be certified by the manufacturer as correct for this project. No material shall be purchased or fabricated for equipment or other features until the Engineer has reviewed the shop or working drawings. All materials and work involved in the construction shall then be represented by said drawings. No work shall be done upon the foundations or any other part of a structure of which the design or construction is dependent upon the design of equipment or other features for which review is required until such review has been completed. Six copies (unless otherwise specified) of all shop or working drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer through the Contractor. Only drawings which have been checked and corrected by the material fabricator shall be submitted. The Contractor shall be responsible for the prompt submission of all shop or working drawings, so that there shall be no delay to the work due to the absence of such drawings. Additional prints of drawings shall be furnished as required. The review of shop and working drawings, etc., will be general and 01000-17 shall not relieve the Contractor from the responsibility for details of design, dimensions, etc., necessary for proper fitting and construction of the work required by the Contract. The Contractor shall furnish prints of all construction drawings in duplicate to the Engineer, who will retain one set and return the other, having marked thereon such changes as he may suggest. Examination, suggestions and review by the Engineer of drawings or other data submitted to him pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall relate only to the apparent fitness of the items thus explained as an aid in producing the general result which is the purpose of the contract. The Engineer's examination, suggestions and review will not be directed, and shall not be understood to relate to the strength, adequacy or sufficiency of such things, which are and will remain solely the responsibility of the Contractor. At the completion of all construction and subsequent modifications, the Contractor shall prepare and deliver to the Engineer six copies of all previously submitted preliminary and shop drawings, each modified to include all subsequent additions and revisions that were made during construction. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer, during the progress of the work, as many prints of all construction drawings as may be required for construction purposes. The Contractor shall not order any material, until the submitted detail drawings have been reviewed. If the Contractor departs from this procedure for his own convenience, such departure shall be at his own risk and expense, if any. The Contractor shall also give the Engineer notice, stating the quantity of material ordered and the location of the mill and shop where the material will be rolled and fabricated. d) Electrical Energy. The Contractor shall make all necessary applications and arrangements and pay all fees and charges for electrical energy for power and light required for the proper completion of this contract during its entire progress. He shall provide and pay for all temporary wiring, switches, connections and meters. There shall be sufficient artificial light, by means of electricity, so that all work may be done in a workmanlike manner when there is not sufficient daylight. The Contractor's responsibility for electrical service and it's cost shall terminate on the date of final acceptance by the Owner of the work. e) Water Supply. The Contractor shall make all arrangements and pay all fees and charges for water required for proper completion of this contract during its entire progress. All water used for concrete work, curing of concrete, testing of structures for watertightness, and all water used for other purposes where structures may be affected or discolored shall be clean and free from acid, alkali, and iron and from injurious amounts of 01000-18 vegetable matter and oil. Untreated stream water will not be permitted for these purposes. f) Materials-Samples-Inspection. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified, only new materials shall be incorporated in the work. All materials furnished by the Contractor to be incorporated in the work shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Engineer. No material shall be processed or fabricated for, or delivered to, the work without prior review by the Engineer, except at the risk of the Contractor. As soon as possible after the contract has been executed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, data relating to materials he proposes to furnish for the work. Such data shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Engineer to identify the particular product in question and to form an opinion as to its conformity to the contract requirements. Facilities and labor for handling and inspection of all materials shall be furnished by the Contractor. Defective material shall immediately be removed from the site of the work. If the Engineer so requires, either prior to beginning, or during the progress of the work, the Contractor shall submit samples of materials for such special tests as may be necessary to demonstrate that they conform to the specifications. Such samples shall be furnished, taken, packed, and shipped at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall make arrangements for and pay for all tests. All samples shall be packed so as to reach their destination in good condition, and shall be so labeled as to indicate the materials represented, the name of the building or work and location for which the material is intended, and the name of the Contractor submitting the sample. To insure consideration of samples, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer by letter that the samples have been shipped and shall properly describe the samples in the letter. In no case shall the letter of notification be enclosed with the samples. The Contractor shall submit data and samples, or place his orders, sufficiently early to permit consideration, inspection and testing before the materials are necessary for incorporation in the work. Any delay resulting from his failure so to do shall not be used as the basis of a claim against the Owner or Engineer. In order to demonstrate the proficiency of workmen, or to facilitate the choice among several textures, types, finishes, surfaces, etc., the Contractor shall, at his own expense, provide such samples of workmanship, or wall, floor, finish, etc., as may be required. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer triplicate certified copies of manufacturer's shop or mill tests (or reports from independent testing 01000-19 laboratories) relative to materials and concrete data. After approv


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