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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The procedure for withdrawal of bids shall be according to Chapter 43, Title 11, Section 2.2-4330 (i) of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended. The General contract is to be awarded on a lump sum basis and includes all work as defined in the Contract Documents. Bid Security: A bidder's bond or certified check will be required in the amount of not less than five percent of the Base Bid. The bid bond shall be executed on AIA Document A310, or in the same form, and for a period of not less than 60 days after the bid opening date. Bond or check shall be payable to the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach. The Owner reserves the right to waive informalities and to reject any or all bids. Unless canceled or rejected, a responsive bid from the lowest responsible bidder shall be accepted as submitted, except that if the bid from the lowest responsible bidder exceeds available funds, the Owner may negotiate with the apparent low bidder to obtain a contract price within available funds, as authorized by Section 2.2-4318 of the Code of Virginia. Bidders' attention is invited to the requirements of Title 54.1, Chapter 11, of the Code of Virginia pertaining to Registration. The school grounds will be open for inspection daily, prior to bid date, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Contractors must sign in and obtain a visitor pass prior to any interior or exterior building or site review. The School Board of the City of Virginia Beach does not discriminate against faith-based organizations. If you are physically disabled, hearing or visually impaired and need assistance with the bidding process, please call 711 (TDD-Telephone Device for the Deaf) for further assistance or Bidder questions may be directed to Jason Miller: or call (757) 231-3619. A. The Project consists of milling existing asphalt surfacing and replacement with new pavement section consisting of 2" IM 19.0, Glaspave waterproof paving mat and 1 1/2" SM 9.5 asphalt surfacing, stone base to remain. Remove existing fencing, fencing fabric, gates, signs, and fence posts as shown and as required to perform the work. Retain all removed fence items, and signs for reinstallation. Demolish/remove items as indicated in the contract documents. Prepare existing to remain asphalt surfaced pavement and install tennis court pavement section including a waterproof paving mat system. Provide tennis court color surface system, and new net posts with winches and reinstall existing nets. Remove and replace existing tennis courts lighting controls. Grade and seed all disturbed areas. Provide other materials and appurtenances required to make tennis court replacements complete for the tennis courts at Cox High School for Virginia Beach City Public Schools, Virginia, as noted in the contract documents prepared by Woolpert Inc, Virginia Beach, Virginia. B. Notice to proceed for the physical construction shall start on June 16, 2025. Substantial Completion for the work shall be on or before August 13, 2025 (59) days. C. Any outstanding work including any punch list correction work remaining after August 23, 2025 shall be performed after 3:30 pm and prior to 10:00 pm on Mondays through Thursdays, and between 3:30 pm Friday and 6:00 pm Sunday for weekends. Weekend work requires 48 hours advance notice for VBCPS to provide access. D. See Section 015000 "Temporary Facilities and Controls" for limitations and procedures governing temporary use of Owner's facilities. Furnish materials, labor and equipment to provide erosion control measures as shown on the drawings. A. Maintain premises and public properties free from accumulations of waste, debris and rubbish, caused by operations. Contractor shall maintain on the site an industrial dumpster, available to all trades, and shall be emptied a minimum of once a week. The dumpster shall be on the site within 10 days after notice to proceed and shall be maintained by the Contractor until date of substantial completion. B. At completion of work, remove waste materials, rubbish, tools, equipment, machinery and surplus materials and clean all sight-exposed surfaces; leave project clean and ready for occupancy. A. Definitions: Project closeout is the term used to describe certain collective project requirements, indicating completion of the work, that are to be fulfilled near the end of the Contract time in preparation for final acceptance of the Work and occupancy by the Owner, as well asfinal payment to the Contractor and the normal termination of the Contract. These include, but are not limited to: 1. Review procedures 2. Obtain certificate of occupancy and similar releases 3. Project record document submittal 4. Operating and maintenance manual submittal 5. Submittal of warranties 6. Restore all damaged finishes 7. Deliver stock for replacement/maintenance materials 8. Instruct Owner in Operations/Maintenance of all systems 9. Final cleaning B. Specific closeout requirementsfor individual units of work are included in the appropriate sections in Division 02 through 33. C. Time of closeout is directly related to "Substantial Completion". A. Perform all planning, administration, execution, and cleaning necessary to safely perform the lead, cadmium, chromium work. Approval of or acceptance by Owner, Owner's Project Monitor or Architect of various construction activities or methods proposed by Contractor does not constitute an assumption of liability either by the Owner, Owner's Project Monitor, Architect for inadequacy or adverse consequences of said activities or methods. B. This is not a lead abatement project. The work covered by this section includes the removal and/or disturbance of paint containing lead, cadmium, chromium that is encountered during the renovation project and describes some of the resultant procedures and equipment required to protect workers and the surrounding area from contact with airborne lead dust. C. A Lead Inspection was performed as part of the hazardous materials survey. Sampling documentation is available to the Contractor in the Bidder Information Section. WORK INCLUDED A. The project Cox High School Tennis Court Replacement is located at 2425 Shorehaven Drive in Virginia Beach, VA. The project consists of the removal and/or disturbance of painted surfaces that contain lead, cadmium, chromium above the laboratory minimum detection limit for the described project. B. Work covered by this section includes any activity that will disturb paint and materials coated with paint containing lead, cadmium and chromium above the laboratory's minimum detection limit. All work must be performed in accordance with 29 CFR 1926.62, 29 CFR 1926.1126 and 29 CFR 1926.1127. High exposure work activities include, but are not limited to, Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3 Tasks outlined below. Group 1: manual demolition manual scraping and sanding heat-gun applications power tool cleaning with dust collection systems spray painting with lead-based paint Group 2: lead burning using lead-containing mortar power tool cleaning without dust collection systems rivet busting cleanup activities where dry expendable abrasives are used movement and removal of abrasive blasting enclosures Group 3: abrasive blasting welding, cutting and burning on steel structures The permissible exposure limits (PEL) established by OSHA are 5 mg/m3 for cadmium, 5 mg/m3 for chromium (chromates) and 50 mg/m3 for lead. If the PEL is exceeded, appropriate measures must be taken to reduce the hazard and provide training and personal protective equipment. C. The Contractor is responsible for developing a project approach by coordinating the requirements of this specification with the various subcontractors performing other components of the contract in order to execute the work. The work techniques selected by the Contractor will determine the abatement measures necessary. The project approach shall be based on historical data and experience with similar scope projects. The work includes disposal of materials generated from the work. Refer to the contract drawings for more specific information regarding lead, cadmium, and chromium paint work. D. Include all work listed in these specifications and incidentals thereto. Require that all phases of the work be executed by skilled craftsman experienced in their respective trades. Work to be performed includes but is not limited to: 1. Preparation of workspace as specified 2. Removal and/or disturbance of paint containing lead, cadmium, chromium. 3. Clean-up of the area as specified. 4. Disposal of materials resulting from the work, shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. 5. Ensure that all services provided under this contract shall be performed by competent craft personnel and in a good workmanlike manner in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. Contractor's personnel shall conform with all Occupational Safety and Health Administration and, Environmental Protection Agency guidelines and requirements for lead exposure in construction. E. Contractor may subcontract any phase or portion of the work. However, such subcontract shall not relieve Contractor from enforcing the use of all required health and safety equipment and procedures by subcontractor and its employees providing any phase of the work. Require and verify that all materials and methods used by subcontractor are consistent with materials and methods for established and safe lead, cadmium, chromium work procedures and consistent with the Lead Work Plan. Existing conditions are reflected correctly to the best of Owner's knowledge. Should minor conditions be encountered which are not exactly as indicated, modification to work shall be made as required at no additional expense to Owner. Contractor is responsible for air monitoring required for the safety of its employees and area air sampling. Contractor is responsible for compliance with Lead Work Plan, selecting fabrication processes and techniques "including means, methods, and sequencing" of construction, coordinating the work with that of all other trades and performance of the work in a safe satisfactory method. The Contractor shall guarantee all work covered under this contract against defects resulting from the use of substandard materials, equipment, or workmanship. F. Contractor agrees to guarantee and hold harmless Owner, Owner's agents and employees, against any and all claims arising out of the infringement or alleged infringement by Contractor, or any of Contractor's agents, employees or subcontractors, of any rights secured under copyright, trademark or patent protection. In that regard, Contractor hereby represents, on behalf of itself, its agents, employees and/or subcontractors, that all necessary licenses for the use of any copyright, trademark or patent have been obtained, are in full force and effect at the time of execution of this contract and shall remain in full force and effect during the term of this contract and any extension hereof. G. The performance and execution of the work shall be monitored by a representative and/or representative appointed by the Owner to ensure full compliance with these specifications and all applicable regulations. The Owner will bear the cost in connection with the laboratory and inspection work required for initial final clearances and inspection in this specification: however, the cost of Contractor delays and subsequent visual inspections and laboratory analysis for personal and area samples taken because the limits specified were exceeded in the initial tests shall be borne by the Contractor. H. The Owner and/or appointed representatives reserve the right to halt the project until hazardous or potentially hazardous conditions are corrected. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to pay for the consultant services and costs involved to correct the non-compliance. I. Prior to the commencement of work, all work and work practices shall be approved by the Owner and the Architect. It is our understanding that the tennis courts are to be renovated at Cox High School. Our scope of work was to collect bulk samples of suspect asbestos-containing materials (ACM), and paint chip samples to determine lead concentrations. Limited destructive activities were performed in order to obtain samples for the purposes of this work.

GC Bidding

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


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January 7, 2025

June 16, 2025


2425 Shorehaven Dr, Virginia Beach, VA

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