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Published December 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving, renovation and addition to a mixed-use development in Edinboro, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a library; for the demolition of a library; for the renovation of a 102,300-square-foot, seven-story above grade library; for site work for a library; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

ESTIMATED RANGE: .1 General = $4,000,000 - $5,000,000 .2 HVAC =$4,000,000 - $5,000,000 3 Plumbing = $800,000 - $900,000 & .4 Electrical =$3,000,000 - $4,000,000 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES = (.1) $1,250.00 per day, (.2) $1,250.00 per day, (.3) $270.00 per da & (.4) $1,000.00 per day. There is no Bid Guaranty required for this Project. The Department of General Services Public Works and the Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities (BDISBO) identified this procurement as eligible for the setting of Small Diverse Business (SDB) and/or Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE) participation goals. However, BDISBO did not set SDB and/or VBE participation goals for those procurements that are less than the $400,000 threshold required to set either goal. In addition, there will be no points allocated toward SDB/SB participation for this procurement. This is a significant programmatic change from the SDB and SB Participation program contained in prior Projects issued by Public Works. Bidders now must agree to meet the SDB and VBE Participation Goals in full or demonstrate that they have made Good Faith Efforts to meet the Goals. Refer to the Instructions to Bidders section regarding Small Diverse Business and Veteran Business Enterprise Participation for further information. PROJECT NO. D.G.S. C-0406-0059 PHASE 1, 19-157, 07482-0009 Brief Description: The Edinboro University Baron-Forness Library Addition and Renovation consists of a seven story, non-combustible construction building addition and renovation to the existing building of approximately 102,300 square feet including storage area, loading dock and offices. The existing building structure consists of steel columns and beams and structural concrete floors. The exterior walls will consist of non-load bearing metal stud walls with brick veneer and metal siding. Roofing systems utilized on this project will be EPDM on metal deck. The flooring replacement will include carpet tile, LVT tile and tile flooring. Aluminum windows and aluminum framed storefront system will be used for the primary exterior glazing. The interior of the building will consist primarily of painted gypsum board wall over metal studs and painted concrete masonry units. Doors will be pre-finished wood in hollow metal frames. Ceilings will consist of suspended acoustical tile ceiling and gypsum board assemblies. 1 (GC) Contract Point SDB Participation Goal 9% & VBE Participation Goal 3% .2 (HVAC) Contract Point SDB Participation Goal 5% & VBE Participation Goal 3% .3 (Plumbing) Contract Point SDB Participation Goal 7% & VBE Participation Goal 3% .4 (Electrical) Contract Point SDB Participation Goal 13% & VBE Participation Goal 3% A virtual meeting will be held for all bidders to review the SBD/VBE goals process from BDISBO. Please follow the Teams link below. Meeting is scheduled for October 26, 2021 from 2:00p - 3:00p. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Or call in (audio only) +1 267-332-8737,,356022580# United States, Philadelphia Phone Conference ID: 356 022 580# Find a local number | Reset PIN Learn More | Meeting options Bid Results- 1.Bid Package Name: DGS C-0406-0059.1 (15 records) 1.1 Section Name: Base Bid (5 records) - PERRY CONSTRUCTION GROUP INC - $ 4,697,000 1.2 Section Name: Base Bid 2 (5 records) - PERRY CONSTRUCTION GROUP INC -$ 5,738,000 1.3 Section Name: Base Bid 3 (5 records) - PERRY CONSTRUCTION GROUP INC - $ 7,068,000 2.Bid Package Name: DGS C-0406-0059.2 (9 records) 2.1 Section Name: Base Bid (3 records) - Renick Brothers Construction Co. - $ 5,203,000 2.2 Section Name: Base Bid 2 (3 records) - Renick Brothers Construction Co - $ 5,231,000 2.3 Section Name: Base Bid 3 (3 records) - Renick Brothers Construction Co. - $ 5,242,000 3.Bid Package Name: DGS C-0406-0059.3 (15 records) 3.1 Section Name: Base Bid (5 records) - WILLIAM T SPAEDER COMPANY INC - $ 956,000 3.2 Section Name: Base Bid 2 (5 records) - WILLIAM T SPAEDER COMPANY INC - $ 956,000 3.3 Section Name: Base Bid 3 (5 records) - WILLIAM T SPAEDER COMPANY INC - $ 956,000 4.Bid Package Name: DGS C-0406-0059.4 (15 records) 4.1 Section Name: Base Bid (5 records) - Yates Electric LLC - $ 2,995,824 4.2 Section Name: Base Bid 2 (5 records) - Yates Electric LLC - $ 2,995,824 4.3 Section Name: Base Bid 3 (5 records) - Yates Electric LLC - $ 3,004,978

Bid Results



Public - State/Provincial

Addition, Demolition, Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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200 Tartan Rd, Edinboro, PA

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Edinboro University - B.F. Library Addition and Renovation

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