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Published June 3, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Elm Grove, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

PROPOSAL GUARANTY. With each sealed proposal, the bidder must include a properly executed bid bond or a cashier's check, certified check, bank's check, or postal money order in the amount designated on the proposal made payable to the Department. Certified checks shall be drawn on the account of the bidder submitting the proposal. The bidder may also satisfy the proposal guaranty requirements by having a properly executed annual bid bond on file with the Department. BIDDING PROPOSALS. Bidding proposals shall be obtained at the address stated above. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. The Depart ment hereby notifies all bidders that for all proposals hereinafter described in this advertisement, the Department will affirmatively insure that disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full oppor tunity to submit bids in response to this invitation, and they will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COLLUSION. Each bidder shall file a sworn statement executed by or on behalf of the person, firm, associ ation, or corporation submitting the bid, certifying that such person, firm, association, or corporation has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action, in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with the submitted bid. If the bidder fails to submit this sworn statement with the bid, the bidding proposal is irregular, and the Department will reject it. The bidder must satisfy the affidavit of non-collusion requirements by signing the cover of the bidding proposal and having it properly notarized. RAZING AND REMOVING BUILDINGS 1. Parcel 1: Razing and removing a 3,840 SF commercial building which includes an 1,185 SF concrete storage building. Any, and all other relevant surrounding improvements and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Utility disconnects should be done prior by WisDOT: 6260 N. Port Wash ington Road, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 53217, 1229-04-21. 2. Parcel 10: Razing and removing a Two story, 2,268 SF single family house with a three-car detached garage, miscel laneous fire damaged dilapidated outbuildings, above ground storage tank for oil heat, inground pool, concrete patios, concrete/asphalt driveway, well, access walks, curbs and steps. Miscellaneous fencing, any and all other relevant surrounding improve ments and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Utility disconnects shall be done prior by WisDOT: 645 W. Good Hope Road, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 53217, 1229-04-21. Guaranty Required: $20,000.00 No Plans Estimate of principal items: The work under this item consists of razing and removing buildings. For further information, contact: Scott Dellenbach, (414) 327-2607


Residential Subdivision


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, Site Work

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Elm Grove, WI

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