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Published January 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Hillsboro, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The City of Hillsboro seeks competitive sealed bids from qualified and experienced firms able to provide fiber network construction and installation to construct a fiber to the premise network within Hillsboro. This Shute Park Phase 3 solicitation is the next in a series of bid opportunities the City will be issuing for fiber construction and installation. Construction of this network will consist of underground and aerial installation utilizing GPON architecture and will not include drop installation to the premise. The Contractor will be responsible for procurement and storage of materials, labor, and all aspects of network infrastructure including, but not limited to; creating and adhering to a schedule for the work, the installation of fiber, splice closures, cabinets, fiber splicing, testing, inspections, railroad insurance and right of entry agreement, safety, and restoration. The City of Hillsboro has purchased some materials related to this construction to ensure timely delivery. The Contractor will be expected to purchase other materials not ordered by the City and coordinate the acceptance of delivery of all materials with the City at the beginning of the project. The Contractor will be responsible for storage and oversight of all materials once delivered. The Bid Form document is not intended to include every item necessary for the completion of this project. In their response to the ITB, Contractors should review the specifications and drawings to include the costs for any materials required to complete the construction not accounted for on the Bid Form.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Hillsboro, OR

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